Chapter Seven-

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"What are you doing here?" Felix wanted to ask why he was speaking to him but he pretty much already knew why.

He looked to the ground. "I-i umm..." He looked up at Changbin who gave him a pat on the back and a reassuring smile. Jisung slowly looked back up at Felix who was now standing.

He took a deep breath before standing straight again but not meeting Felix's eyes. "I came to apologize and to explain..."

Felix was taken back. The person who back stabbed him and who he supposobly hated was apologising after 2 years.

Jisung finally looked up at Felix who gave him a nodd to continue talking. "Umm Y-you too, Hyunjin." Hyunjin was surprised but stood up and stood next to Felix. "W-why me?"

Jisung looked him in the eyes and spoke "Because you deserve to know. The both of you." Jisung sucked in a breath to stop the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes.

He let out a shaky breath and looked back up at the two taller boys. "I'm truely sorry, Felix and Hyunjin but I had no choice. I'll just start from the beginning."

Jisung looked down at the overly interesting floor. "In senior year, a week before graduation, I met Tae-hyung. He was really nice and he helped me with my home work when we met at a Cafe. I don't know exactly how but I accidentally told him about my auntie and uncle. He said that he can help me get them out of jail. At that point in time I hadn't told you two. i-i was going to but something would always get in the way. Mainly school wise so I was gonna wait until school break to tell but Tae-hyung told me if he was gonna help I had to do everything he said. As naive as I am I had agreed. I missed them. They were the only family I had and I was eager to get them out. Once I had agreed he told us that we need to go and he had told me he was going to his house. I was gonna disagree but he was demanding and my only option was to listen to him as do as he said. So that's what I did. I drove with him back to his house. It was all fine until... He brought me to his room. He threw me in and locked us both inside. The next thing I knew was that I was forced into a walk in closet with clothes in my hand. They weren't comfortable at all. I felt quite gross. I felt like a whore. I had to wear a short skirt with rips and a clear through top. I walked out and he had told me to sit on the bed. So I did. He grabbed a box from under his bed and put it on top. He searched through it until he grabbed out handcuffs and a gag. I was about to run but I was slammed into the bed and he harshly grabbed my wrists and began to put the hand cuffs on me. He tied me to his head board and then put the gag in my mouth. I was trying to get out but I couldn't. Everything I did didn't work. I-i... I c-cant say what he did next but it wasn't nice."

Jisung looked up from the ground and looked right into his once best friends eyes. "For the rest of the week I was left alone. Kind of. I had to go to house every day at 4:00pm. He didn't do what he did that day to me he only would kiss me. Untill graduation..." He looked straight into Felix's eyes, trying not to break down on the spot.

"Tae-hyung was sick and tired of me hanging out with you and Hyunjin so he told me to do something so he knew for sure that you'd stay away. I had to kiss Minho. The boy you loved. That was the last thing I wanted to do I swear but my family was on the line. I still said I wouldn't do it but then he said that not only will my auntie and uncle die but you two would as well. I finally agreed. And I did it. I made sure to do it so you could see. It was only for a few seconds before I could feel pain in my cheek. You had slapped me. I honestly deserved it but then you ran off. I knew I had succeeded. My family would be free soon and maybe just maybe they'd love me. But no. Tae-hyung refused to help them unless I did this or I dress like that or pose like that but he still didn't do one thing. So I cut it and now I can finally explain and apologies to the both of you. I am definitely not telling you or forcing you to forgive me honestly the last thing I expect right now is forgiveness. But please believe me. I promise I never meant to hurt you. Either of you. I know I hurt you Hyunjin aswell. I know how much you cared for Felix. He saved your life for fucks sake. So I knew that if I was to hurt Felix then you'd also be hurt. But I really really don't want to be known as a slut anymore. A sex toy. None of it. I want to change and I know the first step to that was an apology and explanation. I'm really sorry Felix and Hyunjin."

Jisung walked back a bit so he was closer to Changbin. "I'm s-" Jisung was cut off by Hyunjin. Hyunjin pulled Jisung into a tight hug. Jisung was hesitant but he slowly wrapped his arms around Hyunjin making the taller tighten his grip. Jisung didn't care about the pain in his chest. He was to overwhelmed.

Jisung finally broke. He began to sob and cry into Hyunjin's hoodie. "Hyunjin please let go... I-i don't deserve this sought of affection especially from yo-""I'm sorry, Sungie. If only I wasn't so ignorant I would have noticed how much you had changed within that week and I could have helped you. We. Could have helped you..."

Hyunjin began to cry Aswell. "S-shut the fuck up, Hwang! You didn't do anything wrong. There was no way you could have known unless I was to tell you. Don't blame yourself."

Hyunjin and Jisung spread apart and Jisung immediately looked at Felix. Jisung gulped. "Felix I-" "I've heard enough, Jisung." Jisung quickly shut his mouth. Intimidated by Felix's cold stare. Jisung quickly looked down at his feet but after a few seconds his head shot back up to hear a deep sounding chuckle.

He looked up and could see Felix with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes. Felix opened his arms and said. "I forgive you, Jisung." Jisung covered his mouth to some how stop the sobs that came out.

Jisung quickly lept into Felix's arms and hugged him tight. "Fuck Felix. I'm so sorry! I never meant for this! I missed you so fucking much!" Jisung cried.

Felix chuckled at this also letting his tears fall down his face. "Stop apologizing I already forgave you. I've missed you too. No many how many times I tried to deny it I still missed you."

After a few minutes Felix and Jisung let go. Jisung smiled and looked behind him to meet eyes with Changbin.

Jisung walked over to Changbin and hugged him. Changbin quickly hugged back. Feeling his once cold body heat up within seconds.

"Thankyou so much, Binnie." Changbin smiled at this. "Anytime, baby boy." Jisung jumped once he heard, who expect was Felix and Hyunjin, 'aweing' at them.

Jisung turned a dark shade of red and looked anywhere but them. After a few seconds, Jisung looked a Felix and Hyunjin again and played with his fingers nervously. "So... A-are we possibly f-friends again?"

Hyunjin and Felix looked at each other before looking back at Jisung.

"Of course."

They made up<3
But things are gonna get sad for Jisung

Bye Bye


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