Chapter Eight-

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I can't believe it.

I've finally cut it with, Tae-hyung. I've cleared things with Hyunjin and Felix. The last time I was this happy was 2 years ago.

It's been 2 weeks since I've started to live with Changbin and it's the best. "Sungie~ Who you texting?" I blushed and quickly shut off my phone.

"Uhhh just C-changbin." I made sweater paws with my hoodie. "Ooooh~" "Do you like him!?" "You totally have a crush on him!"

I could feel my face heat up at what they were saying. Liking my best friend, Changbin? No. Lying about liking him? Yeah maybe.

But still having the same crush I had over 2 years ago? Sadly.

"AYY! HE'S BLUSHING!" Seungmin basically screamed. Causing everyone to notice the blush on my face. "Omg- HE IS!" Hyunjin said.

All of them, including Jeongin, started to laugh. "A-am not!" I said while covering my face with my hands.

"Admit it. You have a crush on, Changbin Hyung!" Felix squealed. I slowly took my hands away from my face and nervously played with the strings of my hoodie. "I-i umm..."

I looked up at everyone to see them all looking back at me. "Okay fine! I do have a crush on him..." 'But he's not the only one I have feelings for...'

Hyunjin and Felix squealed then grabbed my hands. "He totally has a crush on you too! You should tell him!" Hyunjin spoke while shaking my arms. "H-hell no! No way in hell will I tell him!"

Felix was about to say something when the bell interrupted us. "Time for stupid music theory." I stood up with the other following. I have the same class as Hyunjin so we walked together.

"Are you sure you won't tell Changbin?" I looked down at my feet. "I'm sure. If he does like me I'm willing to wait untill he says it himself." I smiled while looking up at him. He returned the smile and stopped walking Infront of the door of the music lecture theatre.

He opened the door and we walked in. We sat down at the back so we can run through the back door (Hey! You wanna come in?) so we can get to our dorms quicker.

We talked while we waited for our teacher to come in. After a few minutes the teacher still hadn't entered but the light from the big TV caught everyone's attention.

We all looked up at the TV screen to see a power point presentation but the title wasn't what I expected or what anyone would have expected.

'Han Jisung- D.M.C's little slut'

My eyes widened. There is only one person who could have made it. Tae-hyung.

The presentation started and it showed pictures and videos of me and Tae-hyung doing things but never showing his face.

The last one was him coming in the bathroom while I was showering. Also the first night at our dorm.

On the last slide there was only a text saying.

"Jisung, you whore, people like you are disgusting and filthy. Do us all a favour and kill yourself. I speak for all of D.M.C when I say that no one wants you here. Everyone is disgusted to walk into class and remember that someone like you is aswell. May aswell do something right for once and leave."

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