Chapter Ten-

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"W-what do you mean, Sung?" Seungmin said. I had just woken up and called Felix but he didn't answer. he's completely ignoring me so something must have happened at our get together last night.

"Seungmin I know you weren't drunk last night. Why is Felix ignoring me?" I'm seriously confused and upset. I want to know what I had done wrong.

Seungmin sighs. "Are you sure you want to know?" I nod my head furiously. He opens the door wider and walks back in, so I follow. We sit down on the couch and I wait for him to start explaining.

"We played truth or dare last night, right? And you were dared to umm..." He starts to fiddle with his fingers nervously. What the hell happened?

"Yes?" He sucks in a breath, looking like he was scared to say anything. "You were dared to make out with Felix..." He says without looking up. "Wha-" "YOU MADE OUT WITH FELIX, SUNGIE!?" I jumped at the sudden voice. I turn around and see Jeongin in just sweats without a shirt. Seungmin quickly got up and hid Jeongin behind him, obviously protective. "Yes he did and now Felix is ignoring him. I guess he remembered..."

Jeongin nods and walks back into his room to put a shirt on before returning and sitting next to me. "H-how do I make it up to him? I never meant to! We were drunk and he won't even speak to me!" I feel like crying now, this is to much.

"Give him time to process it. To be honest, that's how me and Seungmin ended up together. We had a drunk kiss, we made up, and we found out we had developed feelings." Jeongin says causing my cheeks to flush pink.

"W-why did I need to know that? I-its not like me and Felix have anything like that. No way!" I look down embarrassed. I can see Seungmin and Jeongin smirking out of the corner of my eyes. "I didn't interpret that, I was just saying. Do you think anything will happen between you and Lix~?" I can basically hear Jeongin's smirk when speaking.

I quickly shot up from the couch and walk to the door. "Thanks for you help guys! Bye!" And I'm gone. As I close the door I could hear the hard laughter from inside the couple's dorm. "God damn it... they're catching on..."

I quickly make my way down the hall to return back to my dorm where Changbin was.

As I was walking I thought someone was following me. I mean that's a bit absurd because I'm in a school with people everywhere. But I couldn't help but feel paranoid. I looked around but no one was there. I looked around one more time before exiting the Block B dorms.

I made my way through the court yard to get to the Block D building. As I was walking I could feel the same paranoid feelings I felt a few minutes ago.

I turned around but this time there was someone there. Someone awfully familiar. "Shit..." I started running. Where? I don't know. I ended up behind block A, leaning up against the wall trying to catch my breath. After a few minutes I hesitately looked around the corner to see if he was there. I sighed in relief once not being able to see him and leaned back onto the wall.

All of a sudden a hand was put over my mouth and I was pulled into the darkness of the area. I desperately tried to get out of the person's hold but it was of no use.

"Let go of me!" I yelled once the hand over my mouth left but that didn't mean the next moment would be any better. Before I could say anything further, I felt a fist come in contact with my cheek. I yelped in pain and fell to the ground. I carefully held my cheek as I looked up at Tae-hyung.

"Why didn't you leave, huh brat? You're just making the situation worse!" Tae-hyung laughed as he grabbed my shirt and pulled me up off the ground and slammed me into the wall. He looked me up and down, looking disappointed.

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