The Proposal

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13th February 2014

"Mom, you can't do this to me. I'm not ready for this right now", I irritably said. "Why don't you understand? Don't you see I'm happy like this? No one gets married at such a young age or may be but not in my knowledge. I am 24... But still you are rushing my marriage. Anyways, it's a big 'NO'-at least from my side."

"When I was of your age, I already had 2 kids." Mom said sardonically.

I was sitting on the kitchen platform, watching her make the dinner. It seemed a disgusting argument to me about whom to get married, where to get married & when to get married. "I agree, but that time was different, people were different, mentalities were different. But now, now everything has changed", I tried explaining.

 "So you think getting married to a right person at the right age is a backward mentality? Or orthodox mentality?", Mom scolded me. 

 "No mom. I'm not saying that. I just, I just don't want to get married right now", I said.

 "So what do you want?", She asked. "You finished your graduation in B.Sc. & then applied for B.Ed. & now you are a teacher. Your career is all set. Isn't all this enough for you? What else do you want from your life? Isn't marriage your goal at all? You are successful in your own way. Then what's bothering you?", She asked. 

 "I don't want to," I pleaded.

 "Why not? And by the way I'm not asking you. It's an ORDER from your father," She informed me.

 "DAD!!???," I asked, shocked.

 "Last night he told me to inform you," She said. 

 "But mom..." I tried to say something when she interrupted me by saying that it's for my best. "He's a nice guy. At least meet him once. Then decide for yourself," she assured. 

"Only on one condition," I said after battling a zillion thoughts in my mind.

 "What now?," Mom asked. "You have to allow me to go to my pal's house," I negotiated.

 "Okay!! Fine!!! But even I have one condition for you," She said. I spotted the mischief in her eyes. "Now what? " I asked in fear. 

 "Say those three little magical letters that I've been dying to hear from you," She said. "What?" I asked with a puzzled look. "Y-E-S." She said. 

 "Y-E-S. But I don't want to meet him alone. Tell him to meet me in front of you guys. Then only I'll meet him or else I won't," I said. 

 She was looking at me in shock and a little surprise. "Will you please stop looking at me like that?" I said. "You know what's so surprising? He also said the same thing to his parents." Mom said. 

 I, in a "not-so-interested" expression asked, "by the way, who is he?" He is a cardiologist in Hiranandani hospital, Vashi," Mom said proudly.(I don't know why Indian Moms take it as an honor of bragging their future son-in-laws)

 "Who is he, I asked. Not what is he...?" I blurted. 

 "Your dad's friend's son," Mom said. After me popping her dreams of his son-in-law. "And we even sent them your picture," She added.

 "Without asking me?" I asked, astonished. Mom raised one of her eyebrows and said, in an 'I AM YOUR MOTHER' tone. "What's there to ask you for?"

 I sighed and asked, "so when are they coming?" Mom smiled at me. "Soon, probably next Sunday." 

She winked and left the kitchen.

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