An Incident and a Co-incidence

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"Arohi, come back it's urgent", Mom said worriedly. I replied, "But what happened? Tell me."First you come back then I'll let you know." And she hung up. I immediately asked for a leave from the principal saying that my mother was unwell and I had to go urgently. All the way I was hoping and praying for mom to be fit and fine as she's a diabetic patient. Instead of using the lift, I climbed up the stairs to reach the 6th floor as fast as I could. Every second thought was threatening. As soon as I reached my house, I rushed towards mom only to see that all was okay. I was like, "THANK GOD!!! Mom was elated for some reason. "Arohi, get ready we are leaving". I burst out in anger, you scared me, Mom. Couldn't you wait till my school day ends? You called me for going somewhere with you? Ohh mom........ how could you? "Excuse me!!", Mom said pointing a finger towards me. "I am your mother and I have the authority to call you from anywhere. And lower you tone." I apologized and she said, 'Now this is manners. By the way get ready you and I are leaving for Naksh's house as they called us to come along with them to choose an 'Engagement Ring'. It made me saddened as it had just been 3 days that they'd come to see me and I was getting engaged early in March to the person I didn't want to. I asked mom, "Is it necessary? "She ordered,"No excuses." I wore a white long top which had shades of pink and black, with white leggings and dupatta. It's one of my favourite as it was a birthday gift from Samaira. We both were ready to go to Naksh's house at Seawoods. Finally, we reached where I didn't wanted to. After getting comfortable I asked his elder sister 'Which way is the loo'? She told me to come along with her, saying, 'soon it's going to be your bedroom'. And she left me.

The moment I stepped into the room I felt like where am I ? Everything was perfectly perfect. Books in the shelf, blind off, blanket nicely wrapped beside the bed,everything was placed nicely where they had to. I was totally surprised seeing Naksh's room.I left my dupatta and hand bag on his study table.

The moment I came out from the loo, I saw him, his back facing me, his hands raised up, removing his black T-shirt. I almost screamed, 'HANG ON A MINUTE.' He stopped what he was doing and faced towards me. But mean while I turned my back towards him as I was not wearing my dupatta.

He politely questioned me, 'What are you doing over here?'. I didn't answer as I was trying to get my dupatta. He kept questioning me, "Why aren't you facing me? Why aren't you answering me?" I remained silent.

Watching my movements, he realized what was I trying to do. He asked me to stop where I was and slowly handed my dupatta without touching my hand.

I ran towards my mom where we all were sitting but then I realized that I had forgotten my handbag? I again entered his room, hesitating a little, entered without knocking and this time I saw his abs. Closing my eyes with my hands, I said, 'SORRY' in a loud voice. Putting his T-shirt down, raising both of his eyebrows up, he asked 'Now what?!! Can't you knock on the door?'I stammered, "So-so-sorry. My handbag." "Handbag what?", He snapped."I left my handbag", I said. He handed it back maintaining a 5 inches distance. I put my head down and came out and he shut the door fiercely. I felt little awkward and at 5:00 pm we all left for 'Kalyan Jewellers' in Vashi. As I was about to sit in their white SWIFT in which my mom and his mom had already sat down, I looked up to see whether he too was coming. Suddenly someone whispered in my left ear, 'Stop looking for me. I'm going to come with you.' I turned to find who was whispering and it was none other than he 'himself' with a goofy smile on his face. He wanted me to sit in front of the car beside him but I was not interested. I asked aunty if I could sit with her. She smiled and said, "Yes!".I sat down beside her in the window seat. I put window pane down to feel the freshness of air but soon he told me to close the window as all the air of AC was going out. I hated him for this. We reached 'Kalyan Jewellers', a big gold showroom, We went to first floor as we wanted rings. We entered in diamond section. I said to mom, "Diamonds? It's so expensive." She said me to keep quiet. After seeing some rings, I meant diamond rings, I really liked one which was simple but touched my heart. Aunty and Mom and me got comfortable in the chairs I was soon lost in watching all the shelves which included all sorts of diamond rings. Aunty asked me, 'Arohi! I and your mom together finalized this ring for you!" But I liked the one which I was still looking at. I nodded my head in  approval cause I didn't want to hurt their sentiments.

A minute later, Naksh interrupted saying, "That one is awesome, Mom!" Aunty asked, "Which one?" He pointed his finger at the upper shelves. We all looked up and I was surprised to found, it was the one which touched my heart. How could he too, know about it? He smiled towards me and this time, I smiled back. So finally, we all agreed on that ring.

We ordered the rings, diamond rings I meant and also ordered some gold jewelry. And they told us that we could collect it right then, but as a little payment still remained, we said, "Give us 2 days".

We left for home, happily. (I don't know why I was but yeah I was)

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