It's Started!!

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Late night, I was up, online on Facebook, chatting with my pals. Meanwhile I got a new message and I found it was from 'Dr.Naksh Khurana'.

He messaged me, saying.... "Hey! Now that we got engaged can I sent you a 'friend request'. *smile*".

I clicked on his name, went to his profile and send a 'friend request'.He accepted and now we both were 'friends on facebook'.

This is how our first chat went.

Naksh- I used to think girls get very excited about their engagements and wedding but you aren't?

Me- Nothing like that. Was busy with examinations in the school.

Naksh- Girls usually ask for numbers, FB or anything but you did nothing.

Me- Oh! Please its nothing like this.

Naksh- Then you tell me how is it? Everytime I find you lost somewhere. Aren't you happy with the engagement?

Me- Actually, you know what?

Naksh- What?

Me- I'm not compatible for you and everything happened so fast , I didn't get time to get to know you, understand you.

Naksh-You think you're not compatible for me?


Naksh-Why?!! Why do you think you're not "compatible" for me??

Me-It's because I am not that beautiful. You are much fairer than me.

Naksh- LOL! You are a 21st century girl and you saying stuff like this? How could you? Almost 75% of Indians are wheatish in complexion and you are one among them. And, who the hell told you that you aren't beautiful? You're beautiful, with not just your killing looks but also heart. And you know I am a cardiologist so first of all, I see someone's heart.

Me: Thank you! Sorry but I need some time to trust you, believe you and to understand you.

Naksh: No Problem! You can take your time. As soon as you start, just let me know.

Me -Yeah!*smile*

Naksh- By the way, can I get your cell phone number? To be honest I can get it from my family or yours but I wanted you to give it to me.

I- Sure! Its 8689xxxxxx

Naksh- Buh bye and do take care. See you soon.

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