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It's been more than couple of weeks, still NO sign of Naksh. I feel like to cry aloud but I couldn't, If I, everybody will come to know why am I. So, holding tears in my eyes and even wiping out some, streamed down on my face, reckoning all those good time 'flashbacks' in my head, sitting down at my favourite place, gallery, of my room.

I heard someone knocking on my door, screaming as loud as as anyone could to 'open' the door. As I was already vexed, I  asked to go away. I want some 'ME' time please, Samaira. But I knew her, she is among those great people who refuses to relinquish. So I knew it was waste of time to argue with her, wiping tears roughly on my face with my sleeves, I lethargicly, open the door. It was just only 'half-open', she ordered me, to get ready for the party.

Party ? I puzzled. Yes! Party. Now don't tell me you donno anything about it. Neah ... I really donno anything, I said. Seriously, she jaw dropped. You mean, Naksh didn't informed you anything about it. It means it was a 'suprise'. He gonna slay me for ruining his 'suprise' for you and she continue blurting without breathing.

HANG ON A MINUTE, I screamed.

First let me know, whose party? What kind of party? Honestly, I don't want to attend any party better you guys go and have fun. This party won't be complete without you, she said. Why ? I asked. Gaawwwd....

Stop questioning so much please or else gonna die here only with overload of questions,  she said. Sorry but where is the party? I again, last time please. She fiercely, Naksh's Dad is throwing a party on behalf of you guys, announcing the 'date of marriage' and for more questions, please subscribe to Dr. Naksh and she left.

On the following evening, we reached at Naksh house as per the time they called us. After the greeting session got over  (only his family) I rolled my eyes hither and tither and try to Google him but NO sign even here, at his own house.

Later, during the announcement time, I saw him standing right in front of me. I wanted to ask him but infront of so much of crowd I can't. After the announcement had got done, I move my steps in the forward direction but seeing me coming near to him, he start getting far, far and more far away and all I could see, watching him getting far away from me.

I was deeply hurt, tired, broken and badly bruised with his changed behaviour. I, stuck in a no-win situation, where there's no turning back.

Arohi? I immediately wipe out my tears and turn to face and found his elder sister. I greeted her again and she asked me, how am I? I responded back with a fake smile on my face. She said, this one is for you and handed me a piece of paper and asked for an excuse.

Before I could ask anything she left, turning the piece of paper from front to back, I didn't found anything but then I unwrapped the paper as it was wrapped in a small chit. I open it and saw something pendown in it like, meet me upstairs, a way to right, second room. I was quite frightened. I looked for the way and climbed up the stairs and reached at the given address below in the chit. 

The door was already open, I entered calling out, hello? Anyone there? Now, I was almost inside the room, finding no one I thought someone pranked with me and was about to leave but then heard the noise of someone locking the door. I rushed to see who is it as I was already scared. But as soon as I reached near the door I was appalled. I saw N-A-K-S-H and he was coming near to me and I, slowly moving backward facing him front. He was now more near than I thought of and then, I got hit by the wall as I couldn't see behind. Now, he was just a breathe away from me. I remain silent. I, tightly closed my eyes and prayed to God, NO please, not now but again thought may be due to this he remained upset with me. So, I loose myself and stuck on the wall like a lizard used to, without moving an inch.

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