Yes or No?

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Sunday, a pleasant morning. I was sitting in my room's gallery feeling the aroma in the air. It was 5'o clock in the morning and I was already up. The only reason was this 'Sunday' which everyone was waiting for eagerly. Everyone except me. Today is the day he was coming to see me and this fact was not letting me sleep. Last night we were almost ready to welcome them. Changed curtains, decided menu, everyone sorted out what they were going to wear. Only thing left to do was changing bed sheets. Mom had said that we'd mess them up anyway, so it would be better if we change them in the morning. I wished Samaira would have been there with me. She'd come in the morning. My brother- in- law, Akhil, a doctor too, came to receive her as she stayed near by us.

I realized it was 7 and anytime Mom would come and start waking me up. So I would have to pretend to be asleep. I didn't know why, but I was not happy at all. Too soon, Mom entered, put the blinds off & started waking me up. I , given the no –win situation got up & went straight away to take a shower. After taking shower, I found everyone was rushing around. My house was looking more like a railway station. At 9, Samaira came & told me to sit down so that she can give me a make-over. I asked, "Is it even necessary?" She said, "Please Arohi, at least no tantrums today". She noticed, my gloomy face and said, "Have faith on God and trust us, he is good. I heard, Dad telling Mom, he is your 'Mr. Perfect'." I raised my eyebrows and said, "There's nothing like 'Mr. Perfect', no one like that exists." At 10, she made me ready to rock the floor with a little make up on my face. "Oh gosh! You're killing!", my elder brother, Sumeet complimented me. It seems like you are going to 'steal the heart' of an 'heart surgeon', he said with a goofy smile on his face. He called everyone, Mom, Dad, both sister-in-laws, brother-in-law & my eldest brother, Nikhil & my cute nephew, Hansel. Everyone said, "O-M-G! Stunning you are. Beautiful. No words to express how you look." Meanwhile Samaira said, "Hello! The credit goes to me." My Mom said, "Kahin nazar na lag jaaye". My sweetest Dad in the world put his hands on my head giving his blessings and said, "Hope they too find you as beautiful as I do." At sharp 11'o clock- ting- tong. And there they came. All ladies rushed towards the kitchen and the gents to the drawing hall. It's a 3 BHK flat but still not enough for so many people. It started, with cold drinks, roasted dry fruits ,farsans, onion bhajiyas, samosas, aloo tikki, etc, etc.. I know I have to end it with a tray full of cups of tea & biscuits.

As I was about to face them, both my brothers started bantering, "Now she'll face them holding tray full of cups of tea and biscuits and a blush on her face." I was in a no mood to smile but I smiled.

Finally, I entered along with my sisters- in- law, the way my brothers described, greeting them 'namaste'. I had a quick view, there were two guys with a littlegirl, Aunty, Uncle. My sister and sisters- in- law and I sat down beside his sister as she called me to sit next to her. I was little confused who is 'he' in between the two guys. But, meanwhile, I was like, who cares?

Uncle asked me, "Beta, where do you teach?" I said, "Father Agnel School, Vashi". With a smile in his face said, "Vashi? How fortunate!! He too, works in a hospital not so far away from your school." He then tapped 'his' shoulder and I finally found 'him'. I answered back to uncle, "Oh! Yes......". 

After a lot of chit- chat , both of our families said to us you both can ask whatever you wish. After all, it was your decision to not meet 'personally' ", they laughed.

Now the time had come to face him face to face. I was bit jittery, shivering. So we both sat down in front of each other.


It is a whole box of surprise. It depends on your destiny turns out to be and with whom but it also is the most beautiful yet peaceful because we don't have to fight with our family saying, I want to marry him or her.

 As everything as some rules and regulations to be followed, arranged marriage too, has the following rules:-

Question Answer sessions, not only with the family but with the one whom you are planning to marry.

Limit your answer to one sentence. 

Most important, hit the bull's eye.

Coming back to where I was, he sat down in front of me with a broad smile on his face. 

He was wearing a white shirt with blue denim jeans, big dial watch on his left wrist and a little gel effect on his hair, like a cool dude.

He was fair, big eyes, long pointed nose (but thank god not like a woodpecker) and lips......... I can't be that cheap, C'mon.

Breaking the silence, he started asking questions with a slight accent.

Q.1. Almost everyone is a doctor in your family, then why you a teacher?

Ans – (stuttering) I wanted to be something different. Something that no one in my family had done yet. 

2. If you have to choose between your family and your work, what will choose?

Ans- Obviously! Family, because losing job is easy and I know, I can get an another job. If I lose my family, I'm not going to get it again.

3. Would you like to continue your work after marriage?

Ans – (confidently) Yes, but only if I'll get permission, otherwise, I won't. 

End of question answers. All the time I found him smiling more widely than before. With every answer he smiled little more but I didn't exchange a single smile. 

As I was about to ask him, he said, "If you want to ask you too can. I sensed all the eyes looking at us already, I shook my head in rejection and came back to my room with Samaira & my sisters-in-laws.

Then, his family asked to be excused for a little while from my family, so they can decide on their final answer.

My Dad all the while keep talking to my Mom and everyone else, "I wish its yes... A really nice family, nice guy." My brothers too said, "Yes, he is well mannered. They'll be happy forever. What else do we want?"

Dad made me sit next to him and asked, "Yes or No?" I really wanted to say 'No' but I had never seen him so happy. Even my whole family was damn elated. I didn't feel like telling him the truth. Seeing his happiness, I slowly said, "Yes."

The moment I said that, my Dad's happiness knew no bounds. But, he still was worried for the answer from them.

Uncle called Dad & complained, "We didn't like the way you welcomed us."
Dad was astonished. He asked, "What went wrong?" Uncle said, "Itni khushi ke mauke pe kuch mitha hojaye", with a little mischief in his eyes and a goofy smile on his face. He almost screamed, its Y-E-S and asked, "What is the answer from your side?"

"Definitely a YESSSS...."! Dad ordered my elder brother, Sumeet to brings sweets as soon as possible. (We had forgotten in all the rush) before my brother came back, my Mom already served them sweets.

Uncle, Aunty both said, "Now for what to wait and why to wait?". 'Chath maangi path biya' sounds little awkward. The proverb which only we Indians can use.
I was informed that we would be getting engaged early in March.

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