Remarkable Day!

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End of hot days, now it's time for cold, romantic and pleasant days. June has started and people are praying for rain but no signs of rain so far.

I was making evening tea for dad along with Samaira. As per ordered by everyone, I was also making onion bhajiyas for my 'die hard fans'. But instead of all this, I handed Samaira, long frying spoon, took one spoon myself and challenged her to a sword..uh..spoon fight.

Three fights later (all of which I'd won, although Samaira feels otherwise), my elder brother entered and saw exactly how we were making bhajiyas and tea. He asked us to hang on and allow him to make a video for reminiscence. We both were fighting like real fighters fight with their real enemies in a real battle field.

Suddenly mom entered the kitchen and she wasn't understanding about our spoon-fight. She started shouting, "Your dad is waiting for the tea and bhajiyas and you both are fighting and I told you to bring tea and instead you joined them?!", she scolded my brother too. "Just two minutes mom," I pleaded.

According to my dad I'm the fastest person on earth as I can make tea in 2 minutes. I asked Samaira to help me, to which she replied, "I'll take the tea but the bhajiyas are totally your department, no one else can make it like you," she tried to soften me up with her fake praise.

Later, that night, Samaira was pulling my leg saying that someone had started learning how to cook, started being more responsible, more mature...To which I replied, "Actually, I want to adapt all his qualities whatever he likes, I too want to like it, whatever he hates I too want to hate it. I don't just want to be a good wife, but also a good daughter-in-law, who cooks food for the family, who takes care of everyone in the family, the one who not just wins the guys heart but also his family. The one, that his family never regrets choosing. I know it would tough for me but I will do it, for him, for my own sake and for my family.

"He even allowed me to continue my teaching career after marriage. I asked him what about his family? What do they think about me working after marriage? Because if they are unhappy about me working after marriage I will not go against them. He assured me that no one has any issues with me working even after marriage. Even they appreciate my hard work and the efforts I have taken to set my career".

"Thanks a ton, Samaira," I said, "Now I realize what you all were trying to tell me". She hugged me and said, "I always want to see you happy and smiling. I always pray, for you to get all the happiness you deserve. I wiped her tears and said, "anyone who has a sister like you can never be more thankful to God." I then clicked a 'selfie' to tease her and lighten the mood. "You were crying in this picture, I joked.

16th June 2014

That night I slept little easier than usual. I was tired with my routine. School had just started, which meant more responsibilities than ever, more fun with pals & more time to spend with students too.

The moment I got up, I checked my phone for Naksh's reply. It's his birthday today. I wished him around 9:30 pm in the night & then went to sleep. I felt guilty for doing this to him.

How could I do this? I didn't even wait for the clock to strike '12'. He definitely had been waiting for me to wish him again at 12 but what did I do? I slept like a moron. His reply made it very clear that he's super upset about it. I tried to call but his phone was switched off. What kind of girl does that to her love? I'm really gonna regret it badly.

I was really distraught with this fact. The whole day I kept on staring at my phone, waiting for his call or message, but nothing happened.

My pals were observing all this & asked me what the matter was.

"Its apple-pie's birthday today and I haven't even wished him properly," I explained, thoroughly melancholic.

" Apple-pie?" Arish & Cheryl blurted. Shanaya cleared their snoopy doubt, saying, "He keeps calling her 'mango' and that's why she teases him back calling him apple-pie". " Oh!", and the two of them started howling with laughter.

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