Epilogue ....

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WELCOME BACK!!! They all, his whole family except Mom & Dad, screamed together in  an excitement, seeing us coming near to them at Mumbai airport, they all were here to receive us. Minutes later, we were on our way to home and they started pulling our legs, asking how was the Switzerland. Meanwhile his brother-in-law corrected his sister, saying honeymoon. We both damn shy at the moment. We locked our mouths and threw away keys somewhere where we couldn't find out. Seeing them all, laughing, teasing, bantering I start to miss my family. I knew ... This too my family but I am talking about the one where I born. His family is so very nice, not for a single second, they made me to remember my family but still I am missing. I wish ... they too was with me atleast for today when they know we are coming back. I feel like to ask Apple-Pie to drop me home as I am badly missing them but how can I? I was dealing with my dilemma to ask or not, and then we reached. We all got down one by one. I hesitatingly went near Apple-Pie and was just about to ask him but then his sister-in-law took him away from me. He turn back to look at me and slowly he faded away like wind in the sky.

I said to myself, you have to be happy, Arohi or else what all will think seeing your gloomy face. I faked a smile on my face and as soon as I was about to enter in the house, his mother asked me to stop their only for a while. She came infront of me, holding a brass plate in her hand, seeing it I realised she must be going to do 'tilak'. She asked me looking hither and tither,  Where is Naksh? I was amazed with her question but soon then saw him coming and he stand next to me. After getting done with 'tilak', she hugged me like my very own mother. Naksh was J-E-A-lous with the view, I can see on his face and he came near and hugged her and now we both were facing each other front and he whispered, you took my place. Neah ... I said instead I made my own place in her heart and by the way, I don't need your place atleast. *tongue-out*. So after this, his mother asked to go and freshen up and told him to sit back next to her. I obeyed her like a daughter does whenever her mother order her anything to do. I ran upstairs and I was still missing my family. Saddened by the thought I hopelessly opened the door. It was dark in the room, blinds off, lights off. As soon as I turned on the light someone hugged me behind. Frightened I was, hurriedly looked behind and found 'Samaira'. Jawdropped. Saying what a pleasant suprise, I hugged her tightly and tears roll out of my cheeks and then I saw Mom, Dad and everybody. I hugged everybody one by one, kissed my niece and nephew. Little later, Apple-Pie family joined us. So how was the 'SUPRISE'? His mother and father asked me. I looked at them and said, I really donno how to thank you both. I don't have words to express in it, just both, it's a team-work. You mean, he too was knowing about it? Yes ... His sister-in-law answered and said, that is the reason I took him away from you, just to inform him 'all set'. We all know what is to 'Miss' your family, they all said.

My Mom and Dad said, seeing the view made us so relaxed that now we can be 'stress-free' forever. We used to be always worried about her but now it seems like, this family is an answer for all prayers for us. His father put his hands on my father's shoulder and shake him little and said, C'mon .... Your daughter is mine daughter too.

For a while, a complete silence in the room and finally the silence was broke by as usual Apple-Pie. You should be, he said, pointing out to my mother. Yes ... My mother asked. I mean, you should be 'stress-free' after all you gave your biggest 'stress' to handle us, he bantered. Everybody started laughing badly. He looked at me and I too at him, imitated him, making such weird faces that he started laughing seeing me and I said, moving my lips, very funny.

Arohi get ready, his mother said to me and also to Apple-Pie. She mentioned, my family is here to take me home as per the custom 'Pagh-Phera'. It should have to be done on very next day only but since you guys were out of town it already delayed and now no more delays. But Mom I can't,  I have to attend my patients, he said to his mother.  No more excuses, Naksh, she said. Mom ... Please, he pleaded and she ordered him to ask my mother whether it'll be fine with her. He promised Mom to join in the dinner and Mom allowed him.

An hour passed, I was about to leave with my family. I ran towards upstairs, without taking a breathe and found he was getting ready in front of the mirror. I informed him about my leaving and said, I beg, don't you forget a 'Dinner Date' with my family. Really? he laughed. I came out and he called me back screaming, I asked what? He came near to my cheeks, my heart starts beating fast. I turned away my face  from him. He held my hands too. I asked to leave, I am getting late. Who is stopping you but firstly ... He remained half sentence. What? I asked. Don't you want to take 'Gifts', you bought for both of your family but firstly, take theirs and when come back, give here too. YOU ... I said, grinding my teeth. I know, I am the best and he winked at me. I left him and everybody, waving a good-bye.

After we reached 'home sweet home'. I realised how much I missed every part of it and as it is said, no other place in the world is better than 'home'. I distributed 'gifts' among everybody & seeing their face, I was assured, they all liked it. Later, during supper, I along with my niece and nephew, making sound on plate by slowly hitting on the back with the spoon and Mom came and said, Grow up atleast now, you too acting like both of them. I said, sorry and together we had food after such a long time. Later, my aunt from my Dad side, came to rendezvous, bought gifts for me, too. They are just like, own family.

In the evening, while everyone's resting mode was on. I entered in my parents room, holding a cups of tea in a tray. They asked me to sit down and have tea with them. I started conversation with a 'thank you'. They asked, for what? I said, for marrying me with him and for the lovely family, too. I remember, how firstly I hated everything. Seeing, introductory part, getting engaged and for almost everything but later on, I realised how 'perfect' you both was. Your decision was so right for me. I didn't understand that time, I am sorry, Mom and Dad but now I realised, what is to marry and to with, marrying a perfect companion, is so hard now-a-days to find but with you, is was so easy. I would never be able to thanked you both for everything in my Life. Whatever good happened in my life only because of you, both. I love you and I wish I would never had to leave you. Then you wouldn't be able to have Naksh in your life, Mom bantered. I smiled. Seeing tears in my eyes, they hugged me and said, 'hamari khushi tumhari khushi mei hai, Arohi'. You are happy what else does a parents need more than seeing their child happy whom they chosed for her. Naksh, is really very nice and his family too like a, soulmate but its your duty to make your 'new' family happy, too. I promised them.

I was waiting for Apple-Pie. It was getting late, have to go back, too. I tried calling him but no response. Soon then, after an hour, I found him, holding a sweet box in his hand, like every Indian son-in-law do, whenever they come to rendezvous their in-laws house.

Dad immediately asked him, Sit down, we were waiting for you. And, we started serving and in minutes, the whole dinning table was full with foods, fruits and to complete a dinner, obviously a dessert. After we got done, he asked for an apology for being late. Mom, Dad said, its totally oh-kay with a smile on their face. We chatted for around an hour and soon it was time to leave. I hugged them and cried again. Samaira said, now why to cry? Can come anytime, dude. And, by the way, I and Akhil, is inviting to join us in dinner too, at our place, whenever you say. I looked at him and he said, Sure, I let you know and we left home, holding happy tears in my eyes.

We, on our way to home, in his car. He started teasing me saying, Such a cry-baby you are.You can cry anytime, everytime. If you would daily soap actress then they wouldn't need 'glycerine'. Ohh ... please. Fine, now no more tears, just enjoy the serene moment. You, I and the moon. Perfect. Thank you, I said. Pleasure is all mine. I know, you thanking me for morning but let me tell you, the credit goes to all my family, he said proudly. Thank you for such a lovely family, I said again. Ohhh! What can I say now. Well... Your family too, is very nice and I am fortunate to have, he smilingly said. Same sentiments here, I said with a goofy smile on my face. He put his head on mine and just then, a big vehicle hitted the car from behind. The car got disbalanced and got collided with a rod stand far away and the vehicle hitted them, ran furiously like didn't did anything and they were still unconsciously in the car on a dark road.

*For more, read its Sequel to find out what happened next, soon in the upcoming year.*

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