Think Before You Speak!

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It's been more than a couple of weeks since my eldest brother went to Dubai and I was tired of 'thanking' people as they keep on 'congratulating' me on phone, Facebook , Whatsapp and even face to face.

Now-a-days it seems like I am the most 'popular' subject for people to talk about. In school, I keep on ignoring people talking behind my back saying things like, "May be the guy is not happy with her? May be, he has a girlfriend? She got engaged but I never saw her talking with him. Even she doesn't looks happy too. Poor Arohi....!"

All this was going on. But that day, it was getting on my nerves. I, forgot everything, got up from my chair, went in front of my disgusting colleagues and burst out, "Why do you guys bother about it so much?". They said, "It's only because we care about you."

I furiously asked , "Care? Do you even know what 'care' is? Earlier when I was single, you guys were like..... why I am not in a relationship with someone? Few days before, you said to me, seeing my engagement ring, WOW! A diamond ring. Why can't you mind your own business? You want to know why he doesn't call me or stick to the phone 24x7? The reason behind this is..... My guy is not an insecure guy like yours. He has a faith in me, believes in me, understands me and most important, the basic pillar of every relationship is TRUST and he does trust me and, let me remind you again, he is a 'CARDIOLOGIST' a busy personality and I am proud of him and happy, he doesn't stick to me on phone 24x7 ordering, don't be here or don't be there. Say 'NO' to social networking sites and all the SHIT your guys do. You think, standing in front of the gate with a flower bouquet is romantic? It's a trap, believe me. And, by the way, did my guy kneel down on his knees and proposed you to 'Marry him'? Did he did said anything to you? No! then who the hell you are to point a finger on him. You don't have any rights to doubt him. Stay away from my life, mark my words. I am not saying anything that doesn't mean I am weak. It's because I respect you but now you all only chained off  everything. You all use to talk about me but now even started talking about him too. This is something I cant engulf," and I ran towards the corridor, sat down on stairs and started crying. 

My pals came running behind me and asked, shocked , "YOU? Just can't believe it. You answered back finally. This is what they deserve and why you are crying. Jealous people can't see anyone happy in their own life."

"Anyways, did you realised what you said there?", Shanaya said with a spark in her eyes and smirked, I figured out something wrong in her eyes and with a gloomy face answered, "Hmmm..... I was very outraged and rude with them". She said, "you mentioned Naksh as 'your guy.'" This word 'your guy' lightened both Cheryl and Arish's minds too along with Shanaya and they said, "Yes! You've changed? You were never rude with them before. It's not the first time they talked about you. It seems like.... You are falling for him?"

I denied, "I'm not falling for him. It's just, he's a good guy. They all were speculating wrong about him so it was necessary for them to listen from me and I did it."

"That's what we too were saying. You're changing..... in a good way", Arish said.I confessed, "Actually its been few days I chatted with him on facebook and asked him, I need some time to 'trust' you and he said, Take your time and even we exchanged our cell numbers."

"WOW!", Shanaya exclaimed and asked me to tell the whole story with all the details. I started and once I finished, I saw that they were all smirking at me. I gave them a look that plainly said, "Don't you dare tease me on this!" They were smart enough to take the hint and changed the topic by informing me that local trains and buses were both off the road.I shrieked, "Why?". They said, construction on the railway track and strikes of the bus workers. Their boyfriends were coming to receive them soon, all are getting engaged with their lovers. Among three of their boyfriends, the one with whom I'm little close is Amrit Malhotra, Shanaya's boyfriend. Good height, quite handsome and the thing I liked most about him is the way he understands her. Dinesh Mishra, Arish's boyfriend and Tanmay Yadav, Cheryl's boyfriend both are good too but mostly I talked with Amrit. Shanaya, the most naughtiest among us said, "I have an idea". "Okay, what's your brilliant idea?", Cheryl asked. She told me to call Naksh to receive me from school and drop me home.I yelled, "No way. There's no way I'm going to do that!!". They said, but it's a good idea. Only he can receive you. Your brother and dad will be busy with their work in their offices. How else can you get home? Taking a cab or something will charge you four times double. Even God wants him to save you." And they burst out in laughter. 

Arish took my phone up and searched for his number, dialed and handed to me. I was rejecting to take the phone in my hand. Gathering all my courage I did and there comes a voice from the other side of my phone I disconnected the call. I said, 'mujhse nai hoga...'. They told me to whatsapp him. I said, 'NO'. It will sound like I'm ordering him". Then how will he come to know?", they shouted out at me. Just then, my phone rang. It was a call from him. "What do I do now?", I asked them frantically. All three of them together screeched, "answer it"! So I did."Hey!", he said. "Why did you disconnect the call earlier?". "Actually, its like..ummm..I......I..... wa-wana-wanted..... ", I stuttered. "What?", he asked, confused. "Be clear, Arohi."Before my courage slipped away, I quickly asked, "can you please come to receive me at school? Trains and buses have stopped. Dad and my brother will be in their office. So, I'll not be able to go back home you are nearby and that's why I'm asking you. If you have any problem, I can manage by my own, don't you worry". A slight pause. And then, out of the blue, he said, "just give me 30 minutes and I'll be right in front of your eyes". Okay. Thanks. That's great! I'll just wait with my friends till then. Bye..", I gushed before hanging up."HA!", said Shanaya. "Wasn't that easy?!" I just rolled my eyes at her. Inside, I was really pleased at her little brainwave. After kicking my heels for 30 minutes with my pals, he texted me to come down. In these 30 minutes, my very loyal friends had given me a little touch up so that I looked pretty enough to greet my fiance. My pals took me down as I was still a little hesitant to face him.

"Hello!", He greeted all of us. Arish murmured, "Why didn't you inform us? I murmured back, "Even I was oblivious."

He had come to pick me up in a long shiny black Audi. We were speechless! He had brought a bouquet full of pink roses and even chocolates. Also, a big dairy milk for all three of my friends. I was in a huge dilemma. How did he manage all of that? As I was about to leave, Cheryl said, "I know, you don't like chocolates much." "So?", I asked. She raised her eyebrows. I said, "At least let me take it home in front of him and tomorrow I'll bring it back for you guys".

I left promising to bring chocolates, as he gave me plenty of them. He opened the car door like a gentleman does and asked me to be comfortable. He asked me again, "Where are we going?" I slowly said, "near Little World Mall, Kharghar". A pin-drop silence fell between us but soon he broke it, playing a song 'Not a bad thing' by Justin Timberlake. He too started imitating the song. Each and every line of the song sounds like Justin Timberlake is singing on behalf of him. I turned my face and looked at him. He was enjoying the song and asked me, "What? You think only you like listening to foreign singers. Let me make it clear to you, even I like them too."I was surprised. He was doing the part of asking and I was answering. 

He asked, "Do you like sports?" 

I answered, "Yeah! I like cricket and football the most." 

He asked, "Who is your favorite in football?"

 I answered, "Lionel Messi." 

"Oh, I like Cristiano Ronaldo better. And, this time Portugal is going to win the FIFA World Cup."

I bantered, "Let's see.... Messi is going to mess up with you guys."

"Yeah, we'll see.", he smirked. "Who do you like in cricket? Wait. Let me guess. Virat Kohli?"

I said, "Naah! I appreciate him, the way he plays but I like Mahendra Singh Dhoni". He soon started playing that little "Like or not" rapid fire game with me. At last, he asked,"Naksh?" I didn't think before answering his question, "Oh!! I love him".

He braked the car with an amazed look on his face and I realized seeing his face what he asked and what I answered. I got down from the car as I had reached my destination, left him without bidding goodbye. I turned to see him and found, he was still there, trying to believe my words.

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