Prologue - Ryatt

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"Are you ready to come home now?" My father's voice grated my nerves, and my heart began to thud against my sternum. He wasn't asking. Not really. This was a taunt. He had the power to keep me away for as long as he pleased. And nothing brought my father more joy than to inflict pain upon his only son.

"Things will be different this time," he added.

I rolled my eyes, resting my elbows on my knees. "What's changed?" I rasped, genuinely curious if he had something important to tell me.

"You've become hard. Unpleasant," he bit out. "Normally it would please me to know you were finally living up to your name. But your priorities have shifted."

"They haven't." It was the truth. I'd only ever had one goal, to destroy the man who created me.

My father let out a humorless chuckle. "You think I don't see what is happening? You thought you had the smoking gun, but you've only handed me more ammunition."

"Take your best shot," I bit out.


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