7 - Grace

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I pressed my eyes closed, flashes of ripped ink swirled abs rolling through my mind and the pads of my fingers slipped beneath the thin fabric of my cotton panties. The feel of his heavy palm against my ass caused pleasure to jolt through me. His hand gripped my hair painlessly but granted him complete control. And I let him have it, goading him on.

I began to work my sensitive bundle of nerves in small circles. Ryatt's angry scowl flashing across my subconscious. He was all I could smell, thanks to his shirt. My ass still throbbed from his earlier assault, even though the pain was a quick biting sting that long faded. I tried to ignore it, shuffling through my images of celebrities I found hot... but I saw Ryatt running his tongue over his lips, his angry glare locked on mine. My body shuddered, and I pressed back against my touch.

The door slamming open, bouncing off my wall registered a millisecond too late. I gasped, sitting myself up as I took in Ryatt's scowl in person. He stalked toward me, planting a hand on either side of my body and leaning over me. His mouth was only inches from mine when he bit out the words, "If you tell anyone what you saw, I will fucking ruin you."

"I didn't see anything," I assured him. "And even if I did, I wouldn't say anything."

His eyes searched mine for understanding before they narrowed, his tongue running out over his lip and causing my core to pulse. I glanced to the cut on his swelling lower lip.

"You like to watch people, Grace? You get off on it? Huh? Is that why you're in here touching yourself?" he rasped.

Finally, my mind registered that he was taking in my face. My skin flushed, eyes hooded.

"N-no," I muttered, panic seizing my chest, throbbing between my thighs.

"Such a little liar." Ryatt grabbed my wrist from under the blanket, squeezing it painfully tight in his grip before dragging the blanket down my body slowly, exposing me.

"I like to watch too, Kitten." His eyes drifted lower, taking in my parted thighs, nostrils flaring before lifting my arm. With horror, I watched him raise my hand to his face, inhaling my scent from my fingers before shoving them into his mouth, slowly dragging his tongue over my digits. His eyes fell closed and I felt the vibration of a low groan as he sucked them clean of my juices.

My core pulsed, desperate for more of this pornographic display as his free hand slid into his pocket. Before I could register what was happening, he held up his phone snapping a picture.

"If you say one fucking word about what you saw, I'll send this pic of your wet panties to everyone in the fucking school." He bit out. I nodded, my head swimming.

His eyes fell again before he rasped, damn near against my mouth, "Did you finish, Grace?"

I inhaled sharply, my spine going stiff. "N-not yet." Yet. Why did I say that?

"Good." He smirked. His thumb rubbed over the pulse point of my wrist.

He turned and left, leaving me wishing he had.


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