12 - Grace

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I slid out of my room, glancing down the hallway to make sure the house was silent. I loved getting time alone and three in the morning was the magic hour. No servants lurked around corners and the family, Ryatt included, were fast asleep.

I tiptoed out of my room in my white bikini, excited to slip outside and take a dip in the pool. The stairs creaked, and I paused, glancing behind me. When I was sure no one was stirring, I continued my descent.

I practically ran across the formal dining room, squealing in delight as I yanked open the back door and followed the stone path toward the pool house. A low flicker inside caused me to stumble and duck as it cast shadows on the wall.

I crouched down, crawling my way to the window and peeking inside, nearly letting out a scream when I realized someone was sitting a few feet away, facing the opposite direction. Handsome Ransom. Devil in the flesh.

I sneered, squinting to see if I could figure out what he was looking at. It was an image of a woman, legs splayed. His head rolled to the side, the muscles in his arm pulling and stretching. And then I heard the panting of his labored breathing. What the hell?

I slipped around the shrubbery and perched myself at the next window. That's when I realized the picture he was staring at was the one he'd taken of me in bed. And the jerking motion he was making was because he was pleasuring himself. To me. Shame flooded my veins. Heat raced through my core. He made another sound, like a growl, before his velvety voice curled around my spine with his words.

"Fuck," he rasped.

The apex of my thighs pulsed with anticipation. And then I noticed something strange beneath his arm. A dark mass.

He clicked a button on his phone, causing mine to chirp in my hand. I fell backward, just as a woman lifted her head from his lap, wiping her hand across her mouth.

I pushed to my feet, sprinting across the lawn and ducking behind a massive oak tree. I held up my phone, clicking on the new message icon before turning down the screen brightness. There from an unknown number was the picture of me, legs splayed, with the message – Are your panties wet again from watching me?

I clutched my phone to my chest, squeezing my eyes closed as I heard the door to the pool house open and close. There was some muffled murmuring before footsteps retreated down the narrow path. I struggled to catch my breath, afraid to move.

"Such a naughty little kitten," Ryatt called out. "We have motion lights, sensors, cameras... as you're well aware." I could hear the smile in his tone. "Did you really think I wouldn't know you were watching me?" He paused a beat, but I didn't respond, frozen in fear, hoping he wouldn't waste any time looking for me.

"Or did you want me to catch you?"

I said nothing.

He sighed dramatically. "Fine, have it your way."

My phone chirped in my hand again with a message from Ryatt that read –come out come out wherever you are, giving away my location. I pushed from the tree, standing as I raised my hands in surrender. "I wasn't watching you," I called back to him, as his eyes raked down my body, taking in my bikini.

His eyebrow cocked. "Liar."

I pictured him, looking at the dirty image he'd snapped of me. But then I remembered the girl between his legs.

"Where's your friend?" I asked, folding my arms across my small chest, pushing my breasts up higher.

"I was done with her," he replied coolly as he sauntered closer.

"I knew you were no Prince Charming, but I'd thought you'd at least reciprocate."

"You thought about me eating you out, Kitten?" he asked, smirking only inches from my body. "Interesting."

My face paled. "I just meant, I can't believe women go down on you, and you give them nothing in return."

"Why should I care? I got what I wanted."

I rolled my eyes, stepping around him and stalking toward the hot tub. "Spoken like a true fuckboy."

Ryatt's fingers circled my bicep, jerking me to a stop, his mouth next to my ear and fanning his hot breath across the surface, causing goosebumps in its wake. "Let's get one thing straight," he snapped. "I don't do anything I don't want to do. And neither do the girls I fuck. They suck my cock because they want to please me. That's enough for them. Just like when you sit your little ass in that jacuzzi and pretend that the jets pumping against your clit is my tongue, will have to be enough for you. Better get used to it, Gracie, because not a single guy within a hundred miles is going to touch you this year. As far as they're concerned, I own you. You're officially off limits."

"You don't own me."

His eyes drifted over me before meeting my gaze. "You sure about that?"

I gasped, his fingers released me, and my knees nearly buckled as I watched him stalk off toward the main house.


After another sleepless night of tossing and turning, I walked into first period, groaning internally when I saw Ryatt in the seat I'd stolen from him on the first day. He was making it a point to actually be punctual, even if it was just to spite me. And the only other seat available was next to him.

I looked back at the door behind me, contemplating skipping class. Ryatt's eyes were locked on me, tracking me. There was a glint in his eye like he was daring me to make a run for it. And had Mattie not waved to me, I would have.

I sank down into the empty desk, giving her a small wave.

"Hey, I have to get a uniform for my new job. Wanna come to the mall with me?" she asked. "We can go after school on Thursday."

Ryatt pulled out his phone, scrolling away, but I knew he was listening to our every word.

"Um, yeah. That sounds like fun."

"Great," Mattie replied, gathering her long hair and twisting it into a messy bun. "I've been talking to this guy online. He's gonna meet us there, with his friend." She raised her eyebrow, suppressing a smirk.

"Oh, I dunno –"

"Come on, Grace. He's cute. And I can't meet this guy alone. He could be a serial killer or something."

"So, you want him to have two victims?"

Her shoulders fell, and she turned to face the teacher. "Forget it."

"Fine. Yeah, that could be fun," I conceded.

"You'll go?" she asked, twisting back to face me.

"Yes. I'll go."

"Great," Mattie squealed, doing an excited shimmy in her seat.

My phone buzzed and I pulled it out, clicking on a message from Ryatt, saved under the name Rotten. Loud moans rang out in the classroom as my eyes read over the message accompanying the video of him getting head last night. It read –Since you like to watch me. I thought you might enjoy this angle better.

"Oh, my God," I screeched, dropping my phone.

"Ms. Savage," the teacher barked.

I sank to the floor as Ryatt's foot kicked my phone further up the aisle. Another message popped up on the screen, of my ass from behind right now as I crawled in front of him. "Damn it," I yelled, finally gripping my phone and closing out of the messaging app. So much for not humiliating me in public.

"Principal's office," the teacher yelled over the laughter, and I turned to glare at Ryatt, wanting to strangle him, but the look in his eyes caused my words to die in my throat. "Now," the teacher barked.

I pushed to my feet and stalked angrily out of the room, my face feeling like it was on fire.

I slipped into the office, my hands still shaking from the embarrassment I'd endured. 

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