9 - Grace

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I'd learned a lot about Ryatt in the past three weeks that we'd been forced to cohabitate. There was hardly ever a time he wasn't entertaining women. When they weren't on their knees for him, they were trying to find ways to garner his attention. He didn't seem to care about any of them. Nevertheless, they were always there, lurking around the mansion. Handsome Ransom wasn't shy when it came to his debauchery.

You'd think that someone who had virtually anything they wanted wouldn't have a permanent scowl plastered on their face. He spent most of his time that he was alone in the theater room or swimming laps in the pool. He also worked out constantly, just beyond the pool house. I know that sounds kind of stalkerish but I'd learned his routine so I could avoid him as much as possible. Unfortunately, there were times I couldn't escape him, like at school.

As I watched him saunter toward me in the gym at the pep rally, I steeled my spine, not wanting to appear like an easy target. He sank down on the bench next to me, his eyes ahead of him, watching the cheerleaders perform as music blasted over the sound system.

"Why are you sitting near me?" I asked, causing his eyes to meet mine briefly.

"I can sit wherever the fuck I want. This is my gym." He nodded up to the letters on the wall that read Ransom Gymnasium.

"Of course," I snapped, rolling my eyes. "Are you going to the game tonight?"

He nodded. "I am. You're not."

"That's not really your decision."

His eyes met mine, narrowing as he lowered his voice. "Wanna find out, Kitten?" He punctuated his taunt with a wink.

"What is your problem?"

He leaned closer and I inhaled the smell of his cologne mixed with a hint of caramel from a candy he'd been eating. Before he could speak a brunette in a cheerleading outfit bounded over and sank down on his lap, her heavy floral scent overpowering his. He straightened; his attention now occupied as her slid his hand up her bare thigh.

I groaned, my eyes darting around the expansive space for Mattie. I found her standing by the door and I pushed to my feet, waving to her.

She smiled broadly when she saw me, bounding over to us. I scooted a little closer to Ryatt to make room for her to sit. My leg brushed against his, his arm moving against mine as he continued to rub the girl's thigh. It felt intentional. To be honest it kind of felt phenomenal, which solidified my suspicion that I am a masochist, because this was torture.

"Are you coming tonight?" Mattie asked.

"Umm... I don't know," I replied, trying to ignore the warmth of his arm against mine.

Ryatt cleared his throat as his companion whispered something in his ear.

"Actually, yes. I'm coming," I clarified. Ryatt's leg pushed against mine, but I just smiled, knowing there wasn't much he could do here. Thankfully we'd seemed to be past our public humiliation portion of our situation and have moved on to him making me uncomfortable in the confines of his mansion, where he was the only witness to his cruelty.

"It's gonna be so much fun," Mattie squealed. "They're going to announce the homecoming court at halftime. I mean, we all know who the winner will be," she rolled her eyes, glancing toward Ryatt.

I choked back a shocked laugh. "You're not serious."

She nodded, giggling. "It's always a huge deal. I mean, it is at every school, but all the parents put on a big fireworks show. They even do this video thing, like a real movie with all the people on the court. Dawson Gibb's dad is like a director or something. So, it's always insane."

"A movie?"

"Yeah. Well, it's like ten minutes, but it's so good."

"That sounds fun."

The cheerleader eating up Ryatt's attention skipped back out onto the court for another performance, but her stench lingered.

"Are you still going to the dance?" I asked her, wishing I could put some space between myself and Ryatt.

"Yeah. I don't have a date or anything. But I don't want to miss out. It's senior year, ya' know? I wish you'd come."

I thought that over. I didn't want to spend the entire year locked in my room, trying to avoid Ryatt. "Maybe we can just go together," I replied, shrugging.

"Really? Do you have a dress?"

My shoulders sagged. "No. It's probably too late. Maybe I can find a sundress or something. Would that be weird?"

Mattie shrugged. "It doesn't matter. No one even acts like they can see us anyway." I could feel Ryatt's gaze locked on me, and I wished that were true.


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