15 - Grace

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Ryatt's eyes met mine, his face unreadable before they went back to the phone.

"Give me my phone back," my words came out in a rush as I reached for the device, but he turned, keeping me from being able to grab it. "Ryatt!"

"Who the fuck is Liam? You really are good at keeping secrets, aren't you?"

"J-just a friend."

"Just a friend," he repeated, his finger sliding against the screen to take in more of our conversation from the day. "Are you sure about that? He seems to have a crush on you."

"Can you blame him?" I joked, trying to ease the tension. That earned me a smirk before he went back to my device. "He doesn't. It's not like that," I clarified.

"No boys. It's against the rules."

"Since when?"

"Since you stepped foot into my house."

"Which house? This one or your father's prison?"


I tried to grab it again, my hand closing around his. I almost got it free before my back was against the floor, Ryatt's heavy body on top of mine as my phone skidded across the hardwood.

"You're a jerk," I yelled, fighting to get a knee between his legs. But he was much larger and considerably stronger than I was. He used a leg to pry mine apart, settling between them as we struggled to control my arms. He grabbed my wrist, and I shoved my free hand against him, causing him to push all his weight against me. His thick length was now pressing back against a very sensitive area. I gasped, trying to raise my hips to push him off me, but it only caused more friction. To my absolute horror, a moan escaped my lips. Ransom's eyes darkened. He grabbed my other wrist without resistance, pushing my arms up on either side of my head. I was helpless and completely at his mercy. And worse, my body was aching for more.

"Keep fighting me, Kitten," he rasped. "I like it." I pushed back against him, and his hips rolled forward again, our bodies twisting together.

He was so hard, all muscle and attitude. He acted like a wild animal on most days, and even though I was pinned underneath him, I felt like, for this brief moment, I was making him lose control. Something he thrived on. I pushed up against him and he hissed, shoving back against me, painfully rough. His hand slid up my wrists, lacing our fingers together, keeping me locked in place. His hips rolled, and I widened my legs, granting him more access before I wrapped them around him, heels digging into the back of his thighs, now needing him to be impossibly close.

His face hovered over mine. I wanted him to kiss me so badly that my mouth was watering. His lips were open, his hot breath fanning over my face.


"What do you want, Gracie?" he asked, his voice thick with lust.

"You can," I whispered, my gaze dropping to his mouth.

"I don't kiss."

"Anyone?" My voice wavered, worried he meant just me, like I wasn't worthy.



"Kissing is for people who love each other."

"And you've never loved anyone but yourself, right?" I sassed back, causing him to smirk.

"And you hate me, right?"

"Right," I agreed as his eyes searched my face.

"What is it you really want?" His hips pressed into me, and I gasped.

"More," I whimpered.

"Then beg me, Kitten."

"N-no," I snapped.

"Beg me," His lips brushed against the side of my neck, ghosting over my skin and causing goosebumps to trail after them.

I swallowed against the lump in my throat. "Please..."

To my absolute horror, he stilled a wicked grin on his lips. He lifted his body from mine, and I lay unmoving, splayed out before him as I struggled to catch my breath. He adjusted the hard length in his pants.

"Still think I don't own you, Gracie?" He grabbed my phone from the ground, snapping a picture. "Should we send this to Liam, show him how wet you get for me?"

"He isn't a student at Hidden Hills."

Ryatt shrugged, looking bored. "Doesn't matter."

"I thought that was the whole point. You don't want anyone who knows you to know we live together."

"Don't say it like that," he shot back.

"Like what?" I asked, pushing myself up to lean back on my hands.

"Like we're in some sort of secret relationship, living together."

I rolled my eyes. "Trust me, I would never want to be in a relationship with you."

His face went hard. "I meant that it wouldn't be a secret."

"What?" I asked, feeling like he was giving me whiplash from his volatile mood swings.

"If we were in a relationship, everyone would know. I wouldn't be ashamed of you," he clarified. He held out his hand for me to take and I did, allowing him to pull me to my feet. I nearly collided with his body, his eyes on mine before he held out my phone between us. I took it, muttering, "Thanks. That sounded dangerously close to a compliment."

"Just a fact." He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"So," I looked around the barren home. "Are you moving out of the big house?" The big house is what we called the mansion because it felt like a prison, and it was obviously massive.

"I can't." He shook his head and silence stretched between us. "The passcode to the door is your dad's birthday, since it's what you already use for your other devices."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why are you giving me the code?"

"You need a place for your little friend to pick you up from," he replied with a shrug.

"Really?" I asked, a wide grin spreading on my face. "What's the catch?"

"No catch."

"There's always a catch," I eyed him, wanting to know what he would get out of helping me.

"It's convenient for me."

"I don't know, it seems like you might actually be doing something nice. Maybe you're not as bad as I thought you were."

Ryatt smirked, sardonically. "I can promise you, Kitten, I'm much, much worse."


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