2 - Ryatt

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Grace shoved against my chest, and I let her push me backward until I was against the door.

"I want my book back." Her sea-green eyes narrowed at me with disgust, but her chin trembled like she was fighting off tears. I wanted to make them fall just so I could brush them away. I was sick like my father in that way. I liked to break my toys because they were replaceable.

I glared down at where her hands pressed against my chest, and she let her arms fall. "It was smut."

She scoffed, "It was a romance."

"Even worse."

Grace narrowed her eyes. "I had two chapters left."

"You're awfully brave now that we're alone, Kitten" I noted, pushing from the wall, causing her to take a half step backward.

"Yeah, well...I'm not a big fan of public humiliation."

"I enjoyed it." A slow smile spread across my face. "But if you prefer being degraded in private, I'm not completely unreasonable."

"I said I won't say anything. Can I go now?"

I stepped to the side, allowing her access to the door. She hurried around me, turning the lock before calling over her shoulder, "Keep the book. You need it more than I do," before she swung open the door and stomped down the hall.

I laughed, shaking my head before stepping out of the restroom.

"Well, if it isn't Handsome Ransom," a girl called out from behind me. I spun around to see Emma Withers, a new set of fake tits popping out over her uniform that was clearly from before she had a chest. "I didn't think you'd be doing senior year here."

I rubbed my palm against the back of my neck. "Me either. Change of plans."

Emma pulled her bleached barrel curls over her shoulder, pushing her chest out as she sauntered closer. "I missed you."

"I'm sure you did," I bit out, growing bored.

"Did you miss me?"

"I missed that mouth of yours," I shot back. It wasn't a lie. Emma had dead eyes and no personality, but she could suck like a fucking Hoover. "You coming to the bonfire tonight?"

"Only if you're coming," she purred.

"Why wait?" I asked, slipping back into the teacher's bathroom as she followed behind me.

I leaned my shoulders against the wall where I had Grace pinned moments before. My fingers deftly undid my slacks, freeing my aching cock from the confines of my boxer briefs.

"Jesus," Emma, giggled. "You're already so hard. I guess you really did miss me."

I rolled my eyes, biting back the fact that it wasn't her who had me stiff. Even when Grace was spitting venom at me, I couldn't help my physical reaction to her. I liked the fire in her eyes. She was one of very few people who dared challenge me, even if she was fighting back tears doing it.

Emma sucked the head of my cock into her mouth, and I hissed, gripping her hair as I leaned my head back against the wall.

"Fuck," I groaned as her head began to bob, taking my length down her throat. Few of the girls in my school could actually deep-throat ten inches. It was a talent that had kept Emma at the top of my rotation. She was almost as good as her mother.

I pulled out my phone, snapping a picture of the mayor's daughter on her knees for me, the heir to the Ransom fortune. Son of one of the most powerful and elite criminal organization leaders on the West Coast.


Just because I was having a little fun, didn't mean I couldn't mix business with pleasure. Her daddy was causing problems and slowing our expansion South. Not to mention boosting rumors that several high-ranking government officials and law enforcement were in our pocket. Which was the truth, but it wasn't something we liked to brag about.

My father was a businessman. He derived his power from amassing fortune and using it to buy people off. But that isn't where true power lies. Some people don't fall victim to greed and couldn't be bought. Self-righteous pricks on their moral high horse. I had a better way. True power came from fear. I was building up my own portfolio, a wealth of information. Everyone had a secret or someone they loved that they would protect at all costs. And I was about to find out how far Mayor Withers would go for his precious, orally gifted Emma.

"Fuck," I growled, gripping her hair until my body stiffened. I pulled out of her mouth, coming all over her new tits.

"Ryatt," she squealed. "You soaked my shirt!" Emma bent over the sink. Desperately trying to scrub the come off her clothing.

"I thought that's why you bought them," I muttered.

There was a loud knocking on the door. "Is someone in there?"

I twisted the lock, pulling open the door to see Principal Sanders, his eyes going from mine to Emma's in shock.

"It's all yours," I shot him a wink as I patted him on the back and slid out into the hall.

Ryan nodded in my direction as he stood in front of the vending machines. "Hey, Ransom," he called out, flicking his blonde hair out of his face. "It's been a minute. Didn't catch you out on the waves."

"Vacation," I told him, pulling out my phone and scrolling through my apps.

"What's good?"

"As soon as payment is confirmed, it'll hit the cloud."

Ryan pulled out his phone and sent me two grand. "You're a legend."

"Got it." I scrolled through my videos and clicked on the thumbnail of Ms. Hart, an English teacher, going down on Lisa Armstrong, a junior. "Sent. Hope that takes care of your little problem." I clapped him on the shoulder.

"Appreciate it, man," he called after me as I made my way toward my next class, flipping through the security video from the last few weeks that Grace has occupied my home.

Sinking down at my desk, I clicked play, watching as she took in her new palatial home, her eyes dancing over the façade with disdain. The moment her mother was at her side, she forced a smile. She's not a gold digger. Further proving my point that information is the only route to true power. I flipped through the motion triggered thumbnail pictures, tracking her to her new room, where she pressed her back against the door, and slid to the floor, a single tear rolling over her cheek as she clutched her heart shaped necklace.

Scrolling further, I found that at three o'clock in the morning, every day, she would go out for a swim in the pool, or a soak in the jacuzzi, making good use of the jets.

"Ryatt," A voice boomed from in front of me. My head snapped up to take in Mr. Brooks looking like he was ready to quit on the first day back. "No phones, please."


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