11 - Ryatt

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I grabbed Grace's wrist, guiding her under the bleachers, weaving through the pylons to a gate that ran along the back of the property. I hopped the fence before reaching over and gripping Grace by the waist and lifting her over as she let out a squeal.

"You're really going to leave and miss out on everyone fawning over you?"

"They always fawn over me," I shot back as we rounded the field.

"I want to go to the dance," she called out as I tugged her along.


She pulled her arm back and I stopped, turning to face her, but not loosening my grip. "What do you care?"

We reached my car, and I pulled open the passenger door, waiting for her to get in. She did and I slammed the door, my eyes scanning the lot before I got in the driver's side and pulled out of my spot.

I cranked up the radio as Black Betty by Ram Jam blared through the speakers.

"My dad loved this song," she called out over the noise.

"The mechanic?" I asked, causing her eyes to cut to mine.

"How do you know that?" She turned the knob, lowering the music to background noise.

I smirked, stepping on the gas as we made our way down the back roads. "I do my research."

"You're a stalker," she snapped, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips. "I know a little about you too."

"Really?" I asked. "Like what?"

"You like to swim, a lot. You spend most of your time in the theater room, when you're not entertaining guests."

I smirked. "What else?"

"You work out in that gym behind the pool house nearly every day."

We slowed to stop at a red light, and I let my eyes take in her toned thighs. "Tell me something else about myself."

She twisted her fingers together on her lap. "You never take anyone into your room."

"Why do you think that is?" I asked as we continued down the road.

"I dunno." She stared out of the passenger window, watching the town go by. "Maybe you like your privacy," she shrugged. "Maybe you're hiding something in there."

"Like what?"

"A body?"

I chuckled, turning down the road toward our house.

"Or... maybe that's the place where you feel like you can be yourself. And you don't want to share the real you with anyone else."

I gripped the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white.

"Maybe that's why you don't like me being in your house, because it puts me dangerously close to finding out who Handsome Ransom really is."

"I'm afraid there is no mystery there. What you see is what you get." I gave her a pointed stare before parking in front of the mansion. "Come on."

I got out of the car with Grace on my heels, making my way through the house toward my room.

"Where are we going?"

"My room. So, we can solve your little mystery."

When we reached my room, I typed in my code into the pin pad and shoved the door open. I stepped to the side, allowing Grace room to pass me, inhaling her scent as she brushed against my chest.

Her eyes danced over the bare space. There was a bed and a desk, but little else. She turned around, her eyebrows pinched together.

"I don't get it."

"Nothing to get," I shrugged. "It's not that deep." I took a step closer to her. "I'm not some tortured soul, hiding behind a mask of anger or whatever the fuck you're thinking to justify my behavior. I'm just not a good person, Grace. There's no excuse you can come up with in that pretty little head of yours to change that."

She exhaled, her eyes searching mine. "Fine."

"Fine?" I asked.

"Yeah, fine. You want to be the bad guy, then be the bad guy." She shrugged.

"Alright." I smirked, pushing the door closed behind me and locking us in the room, cloaked in darkness. I walked toward her, watching her eyes go wide before I stepped around her, clicking a few keys on my computer and causing music to echo in the nearly desolate space.

"What are you doing?" she asked, turning to face me. I sank down on my desk chair, legs splayed as I took her in illuminated by the light of the computer screen.

"You wanted to dance. Dance."

Grace let out a nervous laugh. "Here?"

"Don't make me wait, Kitten."

Her cheeks turned pink, and she began to fumble with her necklace. "I-I don't know how."

"Sure, you do. You know if you went to homecoming, you'd be dancing for me anyway. You know I'd be watching you. So, let's cut the bullshit."

I pushed from my chair, reaching out and gripping her hips. I pulled her waist against mine and began to move slowly.

"You can touch me," I rasped. She lifted her hands and pressed them tentatively against my chest, sliding them up to my shoulders. My cock began to thicken against her. "Dancing is just like fucking. You need a compatible partner."

"I wouldn't know," she muttered.

"I think you do," I turned her around and grabbed her hips again, pulling her ass against me. "Just because you haven't done it before doesn't mean you don't know what makes your body feel good," I whispered against her ear as she ground herself against me. "Or what makes mine feel good." I tugged her backward. Sinking down in my chair and pulling her on top of me. "Now dance for me, like I asked you to." Her back pressed against my chest, and she rolled her hips, grinding against my length. I spread her thighs apart, my hands gliding up and down her silky skin.

"Like this?" she asked, her voice breathy and needy.

"Does it feel good?" I asked her, my lips against her ear.

"Yes." Her body began to shake under my touch. I slid my hand higher, rubbing the pads of my fingers against her center, causing her to whimper.

"Just like that, Kitten. Don't stop." I could feel how wet she was through her shorts. Her head turned to the side, her forehead against my cheek. She closed her eyes, her lips parted as she rocked against my hand. She was completely lost to my touch, just feeling, chasing the pleasure. "That's my fucking girl," I rasped as her body stilled and she cried out, my name falling from her lips as her pussy dripped for me.

"Oh my God," she whispered, struggling to slow her breathing.

"Go to bed, Kitten." I lifted her from my lap and made my way to the door, punching in the code and pulling it open for her. "I have to go get my crown. Don't wait up."


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