5 - Ryatt

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Two hours later I was exhausted by all the mindless bullshit I'd had to endure mingling among my peers.

"You can't just abandon me," Cara whined like she actually cared about me. She was only using my dick like it was a rung in the social ladder she was so desperate to climb.

"You're confusing me with your father," I bit out, growing more annoyed. "I told you the rules. You broke them. Find a different way home."

"Come on, Ransom. You could always punish me," she suggested, cocking an eyebrow.

"You'd be torturing me with your presence." I rolled my eyes, turning away from her. "I'm a sadist not a masochist."

"I got her," Jones offered.

Her eyes narrowed. "Yeah, Jones will give me a ride."

I laughed, rubbing my palm against the back of my head. "Wear protection."

She stomped her foot in the sand before stalking off toward the parking lot. My eyes went back to the driftwood where Grace was hanging out with her friend. They looked exhausted, and barely able to function. I closed the gap between us. Grace nearly fell backward off the log when she glanced up to see who was next to her.

"Have fun?" I asked, assessing her.

Grace shrugged. "Not really," she replied, causing the redhead's eyes to go wide. "You?"

I shrugged. "Not really."

"Do you... want something?"

My eyes danced over her friend, annoyed she was still sitting there. "Let's go."

"Where?" she asked, pushing from the log before holding out a hand to help the ginger girl.

"You're drunk. I'm taking you home."

"No, you're not. I don't even know you."

"She knows me," I nodded toward her friend.

"She knows of you." Grace folded her arms over her chest. "What's her name? Huh? It's Mattie. Leave me alone, Ryatt. And I'll do the same, like we agreed."

I lowered my voice, "Grace, I'm not asking you."

She scoffed, looking around in disbelief. "Are you stupid?" she threw my insult back at me. "Here's a word you haven't heard enough as a child – no."

Mattie's eyes went wide in shock before she squeaked, "Um, maybe we should take him up on the offer."

I grabbed Grace's elbow, leaning in closer so the few stragglers on the beach didn't overhear our conversation. "Watch your fucking mouth when you talk to me." I bit out, struggling to keep my composure. "You're fucking wasted. I can't leave you here. It's not safe."

"I'll take my chances," she pulled from my grip and began stumbling toward the water.

"Grace," I bit out before stalking after her. I circled around her, dipping my shoulder and grabbing her by the back of her bare thighs and lifting her so she folded over my shoulder, dripping all over my white tee.

"Put me down you asshole!" she seethed.

I stalked over to the passenger side of my car and lowered her to her feet as I caged her in against the door, my body pinning her in place. "You're going to get in the fucking car, or I will throw you in," I warned, my eyes searching hers.

"And they say chivalry is dead," she snapped.

"And if you don't listen, you will be too."

"If you touch me I'll –"

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