10 - Grace

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An hour later I was climbing the stairs to my room, texting Mattie to reassure her that I would find something to wear for tonight. I pushed open my door, my jaw nearly unhinging as I took in my open closet door. Everything that I owned was gone, aside from school uniforms. "What the hell?" I threw my bag on the floor and rushed inside the walk-in.

"You really should listen to me, Kitten."

I spun around to see Ryatt, shirtless, gripping the top of my bedroom doorframe and causing his bicep to bulge. I folded my arms across my chest angrily. "Give me back my clothes, you psycho."

"Sorry. Can't. I threw them away."

"You what?" I stormed across the room, and he began to stalk toward me, causing me to stop in my tracks. Two strides and he was hovering over me, a hint of a smirk on his lips. "You are such a jerk," I bit out, noticing he must have showered and no longer lingered with the funk of desperate cheerleader.

"Are you smelling me, Grace?"

"What? No! I just thought I smelled something rotten." I inhaled sharply, making a face.

Ryatt chuckled, his eyes narrowing. "Is that so?"

"Yeah, it smells like white privilege and a decomposing soul."

He laughed deeply and the sound echoed off the walls in my room. I'd never heard him sound like he was genuinely enjoying himself before and it made me smile.

"Why are you smiling?" he asked, his eyes narrowing.

"Because you're too dumb to know I just insulted you."

"You need to learn when to shut your fucking mouth, Grace." Even when whispered with a smirk, his threats gave me chills. But I learned that this was just who Ryatt was, jaded and vulgar. He was used to getting his way. I wasn't, and something about that made me resent him, even if we were just victims of our circumstances.

"Make me."

His scowl fixed itself back in place. He took a step forward, and I countered, stepping back. He continued until the back of my legs hit my bed, and I fell onto the mattress. Slowly, Ryatt leaned over me, planting a hand on either side of my head and lowering himself until his face hovered over mine.

"You're too stupid to know that you're prey. And just because I enjoy playing with my food, doesn't mean you wont get eaten, Kitten."

"Eaten..." I rasped, my face turning red with the thought. His eyes searched mine like he could hear the question as it flitted through my subconscious.

"You do know I can read every thought... emotion...desire... that crosses your mind right on your face."

"If that were true, you would be protecting your groin."

He laughed again before one of his hands was on the side of my throat, his thumb tipping my chin up. "Keep acting like a little brat, and the next time I spank your ass I won't be as gentle."

"Like your father isn't gentle with you?"

His face went hard, the muscles in his jaw jumping under the taut skin. "Don't fucking compare me to him."

"I'm not scared of you."

The corner of his lip twisted up as he took in my expression. "There it is, Kitten... another lie."

"I'm going to the dance, even if I have to go naked."

"I guess I can throw away all your underwear then too."

"Go for it."

He thought that over before his fingers went to the buttons in the center of my chest.

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