Day 4

480 12 4

Anthony was staring at the air, his eyes wide, mouth agape. Experiencing the first stage of grief.


It can't be real.
His baby would recognize him even in human form, nothing's changed he's still the same old Angel dust. But now with lesser height, frail arms, paler skin, and no more fluffy fur.

Maybe, Nuggets just hadn't seen him clearly because it was too dark. Yeah, he should've turned on the lights.


It's this damn body's fault! Why the heck does this have to happen to him? Of all demons in hell!
Just his fuckin luck. It's like there are no limitations for everyone to come up with crazy ideas just to get their ship sailin'

Seriously! What the fuck is wrong with them?!

Anthony heard a glass crack.

"Did you just broke one of my fuckin' glass?" The chimera asked him, his tone furious, his red brows knitted together.

The blonde glanced at his arms covered in broken glass. There was no way he can come up with an excuse for this one.

"Can't the Radio demon use his magic to summon anotha' one?" He sheepishly scratched his head with his free hand.

Husk glared at him with a thousand daggers in his eyes. "Fuck no. I ain't doin' him a favor for conjuring up a stupid glass"

"Uh.....well, ya know it's not like it's much use anyway, we don't even have costumers"

"Yer buyin' another one." The chimera's voice was cold and serious.

Anthony gulped. "C'mon kitty it's not like it's worth riskin' my life for. Look at poor wittle old me" He removed the cracked glass from his hand, some had pierced his flesh, the blood trickling down from his palm.

"What can a weak and vulnerable human like me even do-"

"Look, kid." Husk cuts him off, placing a hand on his forehead. "I saw you talkin' back to the Radio demon without flinchin' don't even try actin' cute with me"

Anthony crossed his arms, frowning. Who knew Husk was the observant type, when he was new here, he only saw the drunk fella waste away to drink his liquor day and night.

"Get me my glass or else I'm tellin' the princess you've been here in the pub all-day instead of workin'. Go on, pick your poison"

The blonde human bit his lips and sighed, "Fine. I'm gettin' yer damn stupid glass." He says exasperatingly, "But this stays between us, ya better not snitch"

"That depends on you"

"Freakin' alcohol addicted birdbrain", Anthony got off the stool with a huff. "Have some decency, will ya?"

"You're in hell kid, deal with it." Husk deadpans, a slight tiny smirk on his lips. "No one cares if ya get tortured for a billion years or if yer goin' to the void tomorrow"

He shot a glare to the Chimera one last time before heading towards the door.




Anthony was pondering where to steal a drinking glass without instantly revealing that he isn't from this world.

His mind is less harder to figure out, but his memories and experiences from hell is slowly dimming out. Was it the result of his transformation?
His memories bit by bit are drifting away, like this body is taking over him, to get every bit of Angel dust out of his system.
Perhaps that may even be a good thing.

He had walked quite a few miles now, probably, he hoped so. Sweat was trickling from his skin and the makeshift bandage he used to wrap his slightly bleeding palm was getting itchy.

When he saw a broken down convenience store just a few meters away that's when he had a moment of realization that maybe he's finally getting some luck for the first time ever.

The door chimed when he entered, the shop was ultimately in disarray, everything was scattered, and it looked like a monster just launched a massacre here.

Anthony ignored the disturbing and grotesque scene and focused on finding something to replace Husk's cup. Thankfully he found something similar looking, since his patience was rapidly dwindling from the hot air and bad odor.

When he had began returning to the hotel, that's when he heard the slightly buzzing noise behind him.

Of fucking course.

No day would end without this bastard using him as the cure to his never ending boredom.

He halted and faced the demon with a glare.

"Stalking? Again? Do you ever get tired of concealing yer true feelings for me? Admit it you are-"

"Absolutely smitten!"


Anthony blinked, and it dawned on him that maybe Alastor had better things to do than follow him around. Which wasn't what he needed right now.

"Where off to?" The demon smiled, "Or are you new to hell perhaps?"

Anthony gaped.

The demon cackled in his stunned reaction as the static grew louder, "What is it sweet cheeks, hm? First time seeing a demon with a tv head?" His glowing red eyes were examining every inch of him, every flinch and reaction he could provide.

"N-nah, just goin' back after runnin' an errand, ya know?" He backed away slowly as cold sweat was trickling down his skin.

The demon walked beside him, "So you've been owned.." he grumbled.

Anthony felt his mind going blank. He hadn't think this through. He didn't put into consideration that he could run into old acquiantances. Shit.

He mustn't know. He shouldn't.

He's finally free. He can't go back now.

The blonde could feel the painful thumping of his heart, like an arm was squeezing the organ making it harder to breathe.

He heard the demon laugh again, now with a slightly darker tone. "Oh don't be nervous, sweetheart. I won't bite...well, not yet."

Anthony felt lightheaded.

The static buzzing sound didn't help with his headache either.

to be continued...

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