Day 5

427 11 5

He was fucked up. Ultimately fucked up. And he was going to blame Husk for it all.

When he felt the demon place his hand on his shoulder, his gut wrenched, and he felt a shiver run down his spine.

"Ahem..uh, I think my boss is callin' me, nice to meet ya tho" Fuck no, drop dead and go to double hell already Fucko.

The demon raised a questioning brow,

Anthony sighed in relief as he felt his grip loosening.

"Oh well, might as well escort you there don't I?" The demon smirked, "I'm sure your boss wouldn't mind, noh?"

I do. Anthony muttered bitterly.

"Oh he fuckin' will. His got some anger issues pent up so it's better if ya don't"

The demon hummed, there was a silent pause before he spoke.
"He?", his voice had gone lower, "You're not making excuses because you're afraid of me, are you?"

He grabbed him closer to his side, his arm snaking in to Anthony's hips. He was towering the blonde human. This was a warning.

"C'mon baby, trust me, I'm not gonna harm ya"

Anthony shut his eyes closed and bit his lips till it bled.

Hoping for something.

Though he doesn't know exactly what he should be hoping for


Radio static filled the air, tuning out the buzzing sound of television.

"Darling!" Alastor appears beside Anthony, pulling him out of the other demon's hold.

"I was looking everywhere for you" The radio demon spoke, glancing at Anthony, his grin, not as before.

"Where in hell have y̵̛̦̭̦̮̌̿͝ò̴͍͎̺͔͖̃̇̌̇͝ú̸͓͓͊̿̂͂͘ ̴̜̠̯̗̪̽̓͠b̴̾̇ͅę̷͇̥̲̗̯̃̈́̀̓̃ẹ̴͉̬̰͍̣̌n̵͔͍̦̙̖̟̒?̸͖̉̈́"

Anthony swallowed the bile forming in his throat. He should've just fainted earlier, now he had to deal with this awkward situation.

Before he could respond, the Radio demon stared narrowly to their other companion.
"Why hello there old friend!" Alastor greeted with his big creepy grin. "Haven't seen you till your unfortunate loss, Haha, what fun entertainment that was!"

"I don't think I'm the 'old' one here, Radio demon." Vox grinned, showing off his sharp teeth. "And, I wouldn't call beginners luck a win."

Anthony unconsciously leaned closer to Alastor, as the two demons seemed to have the sharpest grinning contest. Not to mention the ear piercing static. It was getting on his nerves but he'd rather stay away from catching their attention.

Vox seemed to read his mind.

"-How about you finally introduce me to your new toy, hm?"

The blonde flinched, he looked at Alastor and the demon was grinning from ear to ear. Fuckin' traitor.

Anthony sighed and looked away, it's useless, the Radio demon truly loves messing with him.

"Hah! And what gain would I acquire in telling you so?" Alastor snapped his neck to the side, a sinister tone in his voice.
"Well then, we would be taking our leave now. Adieu~" He grinned.

Before he was completely covered in Alastor's shadow, Anthony saw Vox reaching out for him, shouting, and swearing.
Then, before he knew it, they were back at the hotel.

"Hi Anthony!" Charlie greeted him with a big smile, "Glad you two are finally back, we were just about to have dinner"

The blonde stared at Charlie, then to the pub where the Chimera demon was drinking.

"What did that chicken cat shit told you?"

Charlie was confused for a moment, "You mean Husk? Oh, he told me you went shopping with Al to buy new cups for the pub. did it go?" Charlie giggles, and Anthony wondered for a moment why she was acting more disturbingly ecstatic than usual.

"I'm glad you two are finally getting close", she squealed, clutching the papers she was holding, "Not only physically I hope"

The blonde finally realized he was still in the arms of the Radio demon, he practically pounced back like an angry cat.

Alastor seemed to ignore his rude display, instead with a tap of his staff he was gone in an instant.

Anthony's brows furrowed, confused.

"You have some luck, if it'd be anyone else, I would have probably assumed they were on the soup" Vagie says, popping up beside her girlfriend. "Word of advice? Don't ever get too close. You can never have too much mistrust if you're with him"

Charlie sighed and shook her head, "Vagie, it's not like he's that bad"

"Charlie sweetie, I love you so much but if I ever become friends with the radio demon, I would think he plans on using me as the appetizer for his next meal"

"Vagie!" Charlie gasped, "Don't worry Anthony, Al isn't that evil. My girlfriend just love to exaggerate sometimes, right Vagie?"

The moth demonette shrugged.

Anthony hates to admit it, but he's siding on Vagie on this one. He had known Alastor and he wasn't the type to forget favors, nor does he waste his time on doing anything without gaining something.

Now he had to endure being a slave to the Radio demon for a month.

He slowly placed his feet on the concrete, careful not to make a single sound. He tiptoes his way across the hallways.

When he reached for the doorknob, he heard a noise inside the room.

"-You wretched little pig"

Anthony felt his heart stopped for just a moment.

"Don't even think about it!" He heard fat nuggets oink.

His grip on the doorknob tightened. This can't be happening. He knew Alastor was a bastard but if he ever-

"Eat your meal and don't disturb me, I have no need for your measley attention."

He heard fat nuggets squeal, the sound he wanted to hear when he visited him that night.

"Hah, eat your fill and grow already you smelly pig. And the next meal I'll be having will be a big plate of freshly candied bacon." Their was a tiny amount of fondness hidden in the static sound of his voice.

The pink snorted and oinked, the blonde human can hear him devouring the food Alastor had given.

Anthony sighed as his grip on the doorknob loosened, a tiny smile creeping on his lips.

You're an idiot, Smiles.

He began to walk away from the room, now without the heavy feeling he carried.

to be continued...

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