Day 9

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Alastor was weirdly more frequent to annoy him than normal today.

He would appear in different locations only to frighten Anthony. On top of that, he occasionally would just wait outside his door, acting like the regular scary fucker. Even worse, Anthony knew full well that the Radio demon had most likely been watching him sleep when he woke up to the sound of jazz.

Anthony had half a mind to strangle the Deer man If not only for a lecturing Vagie materializing in his thoughts. Saying, he really shouldn't do that to the most dangerous sinner in hell.

Nonetheless, the human had enough of this psycho messing with him for the day.

"Fancy meeting you here, my dear"
Alastor appeared next to him, his unwavering smile still adorning his devilish face, as if he hadn't just made Anthony's day considerably worse.

"What the fuck do ya want from me?" Anthony spat, his steps were getting faster as he walked in the streets of Pentagram city. The heat of the red glaring sun made him all the more frustrated.

The radio demon surprisingly didn't have a quick remark of his usual dark humor. Instead, Anthony felt a cold breeze pass through him, making the heat more bearable.

"Is this anotha' one of yer tricks? Makin' me lower mah' guard first and then you attack?" The human shot him a look of suspicion.

"Haha, you know me well, my dear." Alastor chuckled, "Unfortunately, my inspiration for wicked schemes seems to be on hold."

Anthony raised a brow.

"Might as well take a short stroll, to refresh new notions for carnage, and torture, eh?"
The radio demon extended his hand to the confused blonde human.
Anthony still had his sanity intact to not accept the offer, but as Vagie had well informed him, it is best to not annoy the unpredictable source of danger that was infront of him. Or, his torture might be the one being broadcasted tomorrow.

Anthony accepted it, though not without hesitating.

The two walked beside each other,

Anthony stole quick glances to the demon. Now that his growing anger has finally subsided, he began to recall a most dreadful and important thing he had forgotten.

"It's weird, ya haven't made me do stupid things yet. I'm basically enslaved to ya"

It was too late when Anthony realized he actually voiced out his thoughts.

"Why do you think so?" Alastor's gaze was on him, and the blonde shrugged.

It wasn't that he was utterly clueless, but Alastor had saved him from an Overlord, the Tv demon Vox not so long ago. And, that obviously counts as protection.

"There had to be a sign that the deal has been activated, usually......a symbol. An impeccable indication that you belong to me.."

Anthony furrowed his brows seeing that Alastor was now looking at him with curious eyes.

"What're ya starin' for? Ya think I can hide anythin' from ya?" The blonde scowled.

The radio demon chuckled, "Yes. Since, you're quite good at it."

Anthony's irritation was back. He hated being called a liar of all things, so he did the most rational thing he had to do to prove himself.

The blonde human was unbuttoning his blouse, revealing the pastel skin underneath.
The demon was quick to bark out a question, "What are you doing?"

"Provin' that yer a dumb idiot prissy deer man" He had a determined look on his face, "Who takes me for a liar"

Alastor looked away almost instantly when he saw Anthony lifting up his shirt. "Erm...I'm sure there are other measures to be taken into consideration than.."

"Look see for yerself, There's no symbol" Anthony huffed out a breath, the heat of the sun was way worse now that he had only half the clothing.

Alastor cleared his throat, "Please do wear your shirt back on"

"But ya haven't even-"

With a snap of his fingers, the human was fully dressed again.
With a sigh, Alastor turned to face
Anthony once more.

It was the first time the human had ever seen the Radio demon looking so
agitated and discomposed.

Anthony's gaze softened a little, "Sorry, forgot you weren't into that stuff.", he looks down, "you were probably uncomfortable (disgusted) lookin' at my body."

"That wouldn't be the proper word I would use to describe it"
Alastor had used his magic to make the breeze colder again.
"And might I add, it would be rude and inappropriate to stare at someone half-dressed."

The human couldn't hold back a scoff. Really he wanted to remark on how Alastor was known as the most evilest demon in hell, a monster of chaos by some. And yet, he only forced a smiled at him knowing full well the demon could've killed him for overstepping his boundaries. If not, for the deal they had made.

Alastor may act nice now, but he is cynical. He is sadistic and manipulative. And he loves to bask himself on the suffering and misfortune of othe.....




Anthony heard a squealing noise inside the room. He had been leaning against the door, listening intently.

"Hah! You foul smelling pig, must you always dirty my suit with your insistent coddling?"

The blonde couldn't help but giggle and as soon as the sound escaped his mouth the door infront of him opened, making him lose his balance and fall on the floor face planted.

"My, my, eaves-dropping is bad etiquette my dear" Alastor looked down at him, amused by his current situation.

I don't want to hear that from you!

Anthony got up from the ground, his face red from the impact.

"I was curious about the noise" he lied, while rubbing his face. His gaze then quickly fell to the small animal beside Alastor.

"Is that a pig?!" He couldn't hide the grin in his voice as he tried to somewhat avoid suspicion.

Alastor stared at him, "A pet of our past patron"

"Can I touch him?" Anthony eagerly reached out for the pig, forgetting Alastor's suspecting gaze.

Fat nuggets let out a sequel the moment Anthony drew nearer, the pig ran away to hide in the darkness once more.

Anthony bit the sigh that was about to escape his lips. "Is he always this shy?" He asked the demon beside him.

"He's quite reserved now, though originally he was such a rascal as his owner."

Wow, thanks smiles.

"How did ya make him open up to ya then?"

Alastor raised a brow, then a smirk,
"Why do you ask?"

Anthony shrugged, "I dunno..... curiosity"

"Let's just say it took us a while to get to this point"

Anthony held back a smile, wondering how the Radio demon chose to waste his time on feeding his pet pig, when the usual him would probably think that the very thought of it would be beneath him.

to be continued...

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