Day 14: Rendezvous

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"YER CRAZY!! ABSOLUTELY INSANE!" Anthony shouts as he tried to catch his breath at the speed they were running.

"I KNOW!! ISN'T IT GREAT?!" Alden yelled back beside him, a huge grin on his face, as he matched Anthony's pace. Though he could ran faster if he tried. It was just more thrilling if he was at the same speed with the blonde human considering they were being chased by a big buffalo chicken shit imp bastard. The demon was a mixture of who-knows-what-more that's for sure.

Anthony wanted to strangle the devil beside him.

When Alden followed him outside to obviously stick to his side and force him with the ridiculous prospects of gaining friendship with him. He really thought it wouldn't be too bad of an idea, considering he hadn't seen the Radio demon in the morning, he was off on a good start to find another patient.

However, all things went south when Alden approached him with a grinning face, speaking to him, in a chirp voice, "We have a problem"

Anthony sighed, rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms.

"No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps getting into one."

"Touchè, but we seriously gotta run now" And then he was grabbed, and before he knew it, they were running in a straight direction towards the hotel.

He could hear Alden maniacally laugh next to him, yelling insults to the horned demon just a few meters behind them.
That obviously made the other remarkably more aggressive as the few 'meters' became a few 'inches'. Anthony swore to strangle Alden for sure now.

"Shit. we're. gonna. die" He grumbled, in short breaths.

"Now, I don't wanna hear that negative attitude. Look on the bright side, you're gonna have a new patient!"

"Yay we're gonna die! Wooo!"

Both stared at each other for a second and laughed. He was out of breath but sure had time for a sarcastic remark.

They have probably ran for about half an hour now and Anthony wondered for a moment when were they gonna reach the damn hotel. It's been an eternity and his feet ache like fuck. A couple of minutes more and he was sure he's gonna die of exhaustion. He's breathing was becoming shallow and his sight wasn't any better. It was like looking at a swirling simulation.

"Aww~ is our poor little cutie giving up?" Alden coos beside him, he didn't look tired, he wasn't even sweating. Probably, one of the abilities he gained when he became a demon.
"Come on, you're fine, it's only a few more miles away. Show me your demonic self Tony!"

Anthony's ears rang painfully, he could feel his heart racing too fast, his stomach was aching and his legs were hurting so much.

Suddenly, his whole body ached and his mouth tasted like dirt. But he was sure he brushed his teeth earlier.

He heard shouts and loud blows, but he couldn't be bothered anymore, his body finally felt at ease. It was like he was lying in his mattress, though it felt more like cold, hard, ground.

Anthony blinked. When he finally awoke he surveyed his surroundings, more importantly the dirt he was laying at. He straightened himself up and dusted himself.

"Finally awake, huh?"

Anthony quickly glanced where the voice was coming from. Alden was staring at him, his hair was messy, a few cuts and bruises in his face, and his crimson flannel shirt was missing.

Anthony stared below, it was not actually missing. Alden grabbed his shirt on the ground. Anthony had been using it as a blanket.

"Let's go back" Alden, murmured to the human who remained looking dazed and confused from the moment he woke up.

They both walked beside each other, Anthony finally felt ready to utter a word after stealing glances from the devil.

"Yer arm is bleeding"

Alden laughed, "Oh really? I hadn't noticed that half of my goddamned blood was flowing out of my arm, but thanks for letting me know."

Anthony concluded, he really didn't have the heart to strangle this Devil.

Before the day was finished, Anthony had a ran in with the Deer Demon.

The Radio demon and the blonde human was sitting on the hotel's rooftop balcony or whatever it's called.
Anthony touched the moss covered maroon couch that felt more comfortable than it looks. He had a fixation to keep his eyes interested on the ornament instead of looking at the demon beside him.

Alastor finally began to cut through the silence much to Anthony's relief.

"I'm rather curious about the recent development in our.....relationship"

Anthony freezes and turned almost instantly with wide eyes, "Hah?"

"Well, we've formed quite a bond, haven't we?"

The blonde looked the more dazed and vastly at a loss for words. Though, after a moment, he realized he was just overthinking it. There was no way Alastor of all demons in the nine circles of hell-wanted to be friends with him.

"Ya mean yer bein' hardly a sadistic sicko these days"

"What delicate sentiments you have for me, my dear. I must say we don't always see eye to eye but-"

"Yeah 'cause yer too fuckin' tall"

Alastor grinned at him, and the tiny twitch in his eye was Anthony's indicator that he needed to keep his mouth shut for a bit. That and the amount of bloodlust he was letting out.

"I'm assuming we might have similar hobbies that will improve our current relation."

Anthony quickly replied with a shake and "Nope"

"How delightful, we've already agreed on something."

Anthony rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, leaning his body on the couch.

What's the purpose of this anyway? It's not like he genuinely wants to be in any way or form connected to me.. The blonde buried himself on his thoughts.

"Humans were intriguing, they never open their mouths without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge. However, you seem quite different, you've piqued my interest in a way I can't seem to find a proper word to describe it."


"You are different. Like a speck of light in pitch black darkness." A pause.

"Everything about you is-" Another pause.

Then deafening silence followed.

Anthony wondered why Alastor didn't say anything back nor finish his statement, he straightened and glanced at his side.

An empty vacant space.

The Radio demon had left.

"What in hell was that about.." Anthony murmured into the the hot humid air as he touched his heating face. The beating of his heart was unexplainably loud.

 The beating of his heart was unexplainably loud

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to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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