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"I can't believe Elena is choosing Ian! I like Stefan better." I grumble and bury my face in the pillow.
"It's kind of like the necklace, you know, she's meant for Stefan but that doesn't stop her from choosing Ian." He shrugs.
I've been ignoring the subject but now there was no way I could ignore what he said, he thinks he's Ian. It's like he's sure it is not him.
"Are you talking about us?" I lean into him and hold his hand.
"Kind of." He kisses my forehead and continues, "I'm just saying that even if I'm not the one for you, even if it's forbidden, you'll still be the one for me. No one else, no matter what they say."
"Simon, stop it, don't talk like that." I frown.
"No, you stop it, you're ignoring the fact that it may be true. So if I have to be the one who'll say it out loud and think of a solution then so be it, I won't ignore it until we find out it's true and it's too late to do anything about it." His face turns red, like it usually does when he's angry or annoyed. "Listen, my necklace haven't worked yet, and it started getting colder. I don't know what that means but I'm sure it's not in our favor."
"Okay, so you want a solution? We'll find one, even if I had to fight the whole world." I try my best not to cry but he still notices my watery eyes.
"No Tara stop, don't make it feel like it's hopeless." He squeezes my hands with his, "Lets go and get some ice cream, I'm sure that will brighten the mood." He smiles and I fall.
"Let's." I smile back.

We go inside Frozen Froggies and order our two favorite flavors, blueberry and lemon. It became a habit for us, to go get ice cream and eat it while playing this game we made up. We ask each other random question, the first to come to mind, and if one answers then he gets to eat from the others cone, and if he doesn't answer then he doesn't eat at all.
It was my turn to ask so I asked the first question that came to mind.
"If you could take two people with you to an exotic island, who would you take?" I wink knowing the answer already. He has to answer the two names that are already in my mind, or he'll lose. Tara and Liam.
"Well, you of course..." He pauses like he's trying to read my mind, "And... Christina?"
"What! Of course not! Why would I want you to take your ex girlfriend with you?" I frown and look at him, but he's not looking in my direction, but to a point right behind me.
"Hello Simon." I look behind me and she's there, Christina Jonathan. My boyfriend's unmistakable first love.
"What's up Chris." He nods and looks away.
I look at her with venom in my eyes. I'm not the jealous type but knowing she's Simon's first love always threw me off guard, like she has something I'm dying to have. And even though after they broke up she kept her distance, she tried getting back to him after Simon and I became a thing, which only made me loath her more.
We're sitting face to face on a squared table, so when she moves closer, she's kind of standing in the middle, where she's right next to me and Simon at the same time. "How are you?" She smile innocently asking us both.
"We're fine." Simon answers.
"Do you mind if I wait here for a bit?" She's talking to Simon now, "My friend is going to meet me here but he's kind of late and I don't want to sit alone."
"Sure." We both answer at the same time.
"So, what are you guys doing?" She looks at me and it's a cue that I'm the one that should answer, so I just shrug and point at the ice cream cones in our hands.
I hate how whenever she's around, Simon puts on some kind of guard around himself, like she still can get to him and he doesn't want her to.
"I heard your birthday is today, how did it go?" She smiles but her eyes are pure evil. I don't want to go through this, especially not with her.
"It went fine, it's not working yet." I shrug and turn around looking at the streets, they look so full of life.
"No offense dear, but I don't think it's Simon." My pulse starts rising and I just wish I could disappear, or better, I wish she just disappears.
"No one asked your opinion Christina, even if it's not me, I'll stay with her for however it takes, however we're given. Will you excuse us now, we have to go." Simon rises and I'm too shocked of his tone that I'm a few seconds late from understanding what he just said, I get up and he takes my hand. We walk to the shop's exit but before we leave I take a look back at Christina, she's a mixture of rage and envy.

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