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I hate when he does that, I called him a couple of times but he's not picking up. I know he's at work but he should know that whenever I call him more than once it means there's something important. I call Layla instead and she picks up immediately, "What's up?"
"I think I know what I'm going to do."
"About what?"
"About the expedition, we both know it's not Simon, so I have an idea."
"I'm all ears."
"There's this group on Facebook, something like a move, against the necklaces." I pause forming my thoughts into words. "They say that they're going to make the journey but with their partner and that when they meet the person with the other necklace they'll show the world that they won't love them, that they're already in love with someone else."
"Um okay? And what's your idea?"
"I'll go. I'll do it." I smile to myself, "I'll go on the expedition with Simon, I know I haven't saved money but I'm sure my parents did, I know they knew I won't so they did it instead. I'll go and I'll meet this person and we'll prove to the world that we won't fall in love and that's it."
"Yeah but what about the death thing? I'd hate to bring up the subject, but if you pass the three years limit, your life is the price. You can't be a rebellion without consequences." She sounds annoyed.
I thought about that, I actually thought only about that since I found that group.
"Yeah well, they must have a solution for it to stop right? I mean, if about a million people or even more showed them that it wasn't true they might work something out to stop it."
"Do you think you'll have the time?"
"Yes, I'll do my best to reach whoever the hell he is soon. Two weeks left and we'll start, right? I'll be plenty prepared."
"What if you do fall in love with him?"
I'm silent for a moment, what if this whole thing is real? What if Simon is just another one broken heart closer to finding happily ever after?
"I won't." I answer sharply, more to myself than to her.
"Whatever you say!" Her voice is a bit far.
"What are you doing?" I ask her curiously.
"Getting my stuff ready." She's somewhere else now, she put me on speaker.
"For what?"
"The expedition!"
"I know you're excited, but don't you think that's a bit early?" I laugh at her enthusiasm.
"Ha ha, not from excitement, but because I won't have the time to get ready the next two weeks. Ramadan is after tomorrow and I'll be too busy fasting and praying." She stopped packing and was back on the phone.
"Oh! Ramadan Mubarak." We've been best friends for ten years now, so I pretty much knew everything about Layla. I love how she cares about her religion but never judges anyone with different perspectives or ways. I love how religion or nationality never came between us, it shows that we're bone strong.
"Thanks Tari. I gotta go now, bye!"
We hung up and I try Simon's phone one more time, still not picking up.
I can't wait any longer, I want him to know. He must be at the theater or at the cafe near it. I decide to go and tell him myself.

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