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[ They quietly hum as they edit a video for their friend Tommy. Just messing about with clips and such.

Then there's a discord ring. ]

Y/n: Uh Yello?

Tommy: Oh Y/n! My little editor!

Y/n: Yes??

Tommy: My little editor is quite lonely, oh lonely editor would you like more friends other than your own fucking boss?

Y/n: My own fucking boss will become editor-less if he doesn't get to the point.

Tommy: Alright join me and my friends on the Sorry project.

Y/n: What?

Tommy: You literally don't talk to anyone but me anymore, admit it.

Y/n: Yeah but what's so bad about that?

Tommy: Just do like one recording? Please?

Y/n: Isn't it improv? I don't think-

Tommy: Y/nnnnnn!

Y/n: . . .

Tommy: You know the line up, you know how they work-

Y/n: But they don't know me.

Tommy: I- Y/n they'll like to know you, I mean I like you and I am a very picky person when it comes to people.

Y/n: Americans.

Tommy: One recording! One! You won't have to edit it either!

Y/n: Bloody fuck fine!

Tommy: Yay! Yay! Yay!

Y/n: What like where will the recording be? Do we get a prompt?

Tommy: Actually.. I had an idea..

Y/n: Bloody fuck what?

[ He ends the call, pulling you into a group chat with others. ]

Y/n: [ Never a break with this brat.. ]

[ Tommy joins the already on going call, they do the same with a sigh. ]

Charlie: Uh okay okay what time??

Phil: Tommy said to meet at 12?

Tommy: Yes.

Charlie: Oh shit he's back.

Wilbur: So did it work out?

Tommy: Of course it did, right Y/n?

Y/n: Yes..??? What?

Wilbur: He told us he was inviting you. I had doubts.

Y/n: Yeah I still do.

Charlie: You're the little ice cream maker aren't you?

Y/n: [ God make ice cream for a stream and that's my title.. ] Yep.

Tommy: They're not only just an ice cream maker, they're my editor!

Y/n: [ Oh and that too.. ]

Ranboo: They're also Y/n. Y'know?

Y/n: . . . Yeah.

Charlie: Y/n, Y/n, Y/n.. hmmm.. yes yes I have an idea.

Y/n: An idea?

Charlie: For the recording at town hall.. y'know the court?

Y/n: Tom didn't explain anything to me..

Wilbur: Tommy.

Phil: You invite them and don't explain a thing?

Tommy: . . . Yeah my bad. We're doing a court improv, I ate Phil's sausage roll. Charlie is judge Phil is defendant, Ran his lawyer Wils my lawyer.

Charlie: And for you I was thinking a sort of witness..

Y/n: Witness?

Tommy: Of the aten sausage roll.

Charlie: Does that sound alright?

Y/n: Yeah yeah..

Wilbur: You're so.. like..

Y/n: Tired.

Wilbur: Yeah!

Phil: Tommy told us one time that when he found out you work during the night he was like ' How can people do that? '

Tommy: I was not yet a full time streamer. I now understand.

Charlie: What do you run off of?

Y/n: Nothing. Caffeine makes me tired actually.

Ranboo: ADHD.

Y/n: Yeah.

Wilbur: You're a streamer also right?

Y/n: Yep.

Charlie: Oo what's the user I gotta see this.

Y/n: Y/n_Bloomit

Charlie: Awh you're profile picture is a cat..

Y/n: Yeah that's Marci.

Tommy: Marci.

Phil: I have a feeling-

Y/n: Yeah Marci isn't here anymore. But will remain my pfp until I die.

Wilbur: Devotion to a cat.

Y/n: A black cat so basically a demon.

Ranboo: Yippie.

[ The lot talk for an hour or so more before they all depart.

They turn their pc off and flop on their bed. ]

Y/n: [ I really don't think this'll end well.. I'll probably fuck it up some way or another.. break character or not understand a bit.. but Tommy's stupid ideas haven't failed me yet.. ]

- - -

Extra -

Phil: They're so calm.

Tommy: No they are hostile.

Wilbur: Oh so eepy.

Ranboo: Do you think they'll come again after this one?

Charlie: Surely they will, right?

Tommy: I hope so. They kinda need something like this right now.

Phil: Yeah..

- - -

Drink eat rest do that shit


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