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Ranboo: Hey, Y/n?

Y/n: Yes???

Ranboo: We have an office place and we were gonna hang out in stuff..

Y/n: . . . You want me to come along..?

[ They nod. ]

Ranboo: You don't have to if you don't want to-

Y/n: Did he put-

Ranboo: ?

[ He look at them innocently in question.

They cover their eyes. ]

Y/n: [ God that's cute.. ]

Ranboo: Are you alright??

Y/n: Yeah just.. just a headache haha.. what's the address? I can ride over.

Ranboo: Oh uh I just got an Uber.. you can ride with me. Cheaper and more efficient!

Y/n: Yeah, yeah. Thanks.

[ Ranboo gives the group away from them a thumbs up as they enter a car, then the two wait for the Uber. ]

Ranboo: Was today fun..?

Y/n: Yeah, was it for you?

Ranboo: Every day is fun for me.

[ They nod scrolling through music on their phone. ]

Y/n: [ It's almost dark out.. maybe I should just go home.. ]

Ranboo: Uh Tommy's ordering pizza.

[ They nod. ]

Ranboo: I think we'll go over footage in stuff too..

Y/n: Oh. [ Now I'll have to hear and see myself too.. ]

Ranboo: . . . It's not that bad trust me.

Y/n: What is?

Ranboo: Uh like doing this kind of stuff.. you're surrounded by friends. There's like no judgement or anything.

Y/n: Right.. [ But there is when it's posted for people to see.. ]

Ranboo: . . . Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Ranboo: Do you uh.. like doing this?

Y/n: Yeah I love improv.. I just.. haven't done it in a while with other people. And it was never recorded and posted.

Ranboo: Oh.

[ He plays with their thumbs in silence. ]

Y/n: It was with Tommy and one other. I meet Tom that way.

Ranboo: Oh cool.

[ The car arrives and they get in. ]

- - -

[ They sit in a room with a couch and a tv. In the back are a few different small rooms and then a few computers.

They sits at one end of the couch, then Wilbur, then Ranboo at the other end.

Phil and Charlie have spinning chairs while Tommy sets on the floor with a mouse. ]

Charlie: We got like 10 minutes until food gets here.

Tommy: Okay then let's review the film, this tv will have Led's camera the other has Rusk's.

[ The films begin, they sit there watching it.

Y/n begins to analyze which mic goes where, what angles would be better with what's happening. ]

Tommy: Oh they've got it.

[ Ranboo look where Tommy looks, at Y/n, as Phil and Charlie talk about the film. Wilburs gone to get the food. ]

Ranboo: Got what?

[ Y/n glances at Ranboo. ]

Y/n: Uhm..?

Tommy: Y/nnn do you wanna do the audio and frames?

Y/n: Uh sure yeah.. I have a couple ideas..

Wilbur: Come and get it!

[ The lot all but Y/n go to get pizza, they get on the floor controlling the film, playing around with it.

The group comes back and sit around once more, they begin the film sitting against the couch.

A slice of pizza is by them. They look up and see Ranboo. ]

Ranboo: You didn't go so..

Y/n: Thanks.

[ The group begins to eat and talk about the film, joking around. ]

Charlie: The whole magic bit was good.

Wilbur: Yeah that was funny.

Ranboo: Yeah Y/n's corpse just in the background of the rest of the video was hilarious.

Y/n: I liked the Minecraft bible bit..

Charlie: Yeah we had to sign in some way right?

Phil: I think after each like segment we should freeze the frame and do like what those crime slice of life shows do.

Wilbur: Oh yeah I know someone who can do that for us.

[ They mess with the ring on their finger. Ranboo notices as the others talk. ]

Ranboo: Do you have an idea?

Y/n: Uh yeah but..

Ranboo: I'm all ears.

Y/n: Uhm.. with the extra bits can we make a different video for like.. an extra channel..

Wilbur: Yeah so most of the film will be used. That's a good idea.

Y/n: [ I thought he was talking to Tommy what- ]

Tommy: Yeah someone else can do the mics and stuff for that one, no overtime for you.

[ He pushes his finger in the middle of their forehead. ]

Wilbur: Next recording the jail place right?

Tommy: Yeah Rusk has the location, he'll drive us, Ranboo Uber right?

Ranboo: Yeah, Y/n?

Y/n: I'll get an Uber too.

Tommy: We have like two days so be prepared in stuff. Suppose to be cold too.

- - -

[ They're at a computer, in the dark, working of the film alone. ]

Y/n: [ Just a few more things and then Wilbur can add the scene cards and any extra sounds.. ]

Tommy: Y/n..?

[ They jump and turn to Tommy. ]

Y/n: Yeah?

Tommy: Dude it's like 2 a.m..

Y/n: I could say the same for you.

Tommy: Oh I stay here sometimes. Haven't you even taken a break since you started?

Y/n: Uh no, no I haven't. It's fun.

Tommy: Christ you're almost done..! Maybe you should like go to bed now?

Y/n: But I'm almost done.

Tommy: Exactly, beddy time. There's a few blankets and pillows in the closet, sleep on the couch.

Y/n: Alright..

[ They click save before closing the application, when she gets up Tommy's hugging them. ]

Y/n: Tommy?

Tommy: Thanks for doing this y'know?

Y/n: . . . Yeah, of course.

Tommy: Night.

Y/n: Night Tommy.

[ She gets a pillow and a blanket settling on the couch. ]

Y/n: [ Maybe this isn't so bad.. ]

- - -


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