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TW - This talks about some mental health issues like relapsing. Relapsing is when your mental health is flipped in a way where you're deepest low comes back for a some of time. That's how I see it anyways, anyway enjoy the read~

Y/n: Hey Phil.

Phil: Hullo mate, what's up?

Y/n: . . . mmmm

Phil: Okay so Ranboo.

Y/n: Yeaaahhh..

Phil: You two are getting pretty close. Holding hands in shit like a cute couple.

Y/n: Stooooop..!

Phil: Do you like him like that or have I read the whole thing wrong?

Y/n: I.. do yes I like them.. but.. what if I relapse and shut him and everyone out like I did Tommy?

Phil: Y/n, you shut Tom out because of what happened with Nook.

Y/n: . . . What did Tommy tell you exactly..?

Phil: That Nook was friends with you and him and he introduced you to Tommy, but after you two spent a lot of time together he got made at you, saying hurtful things and.. guilt tripping you into giving him money. Then even when you gave him money he would still get upset that you talked to Tommy, and then cut you off and told Tommy you cut him off and did things you didn't really do.. when Tommy asked, you shut him and everything out.. right?

Y/n: Y-Yep.. what if I.. shut him out..?

Phil: What would make you do that?

Y/n: . . . If I relapse in my mental health.. I love being around them and it just.. feels too good to be true.. hell they don't like me like that either..

Phil: You're afraid because you're happy right now?

Y/n: Yeah I sound crazy.. fuck..

Phil: No no you have every right to feel the way you feel. Sometimes I feel like my life is too good to be true too..

Y/n: What if they push me away..?

Phil: Ran wouldn't do that mate..

Y/n: I thought Nook wouldn't do what he did too..

Phil: Awh mate-

[ Their discord rings with the phasmophobia group chat. ]

Y/n: I have to go Phil-

Phil: Alrighty, don't worry too much about things like that, they won't ever happen, okay?

Y/n: Okay.. bye.

Phil: Bye mate.

[ They leave their call and let out a sigh. ]

Y/n: [ There's always what if Phil.. ]

[ They click on the group chat and join the call with the other three. ]

Crumb: Y/n!!!!

Jack: Ah finally someone with common sense, I'm not a fake baldy right Y/n?

Y/n: Uhm..

Jack: Answer honestly and to my favor.

Y/n: What did they say..?

Ranboo: FAKE!

Crumb: Yeah he's pretty fake..!

Jack: Please Y/n I need your validation.

Y/n: No you don't.. [ That sounded mean- ]

Ranboo: Y/n..? Are you okay?

Y/n: Y-Yeah sorry that was mean-

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