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[ They're at a pc editing some of the jail recording.

They look extra tired and have a stuffy nose. A slight cough. ]

Ranboo: Are you sure you're okay?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm fine trust me..

[ They cough a bit covering it of course. ]

Wilbur: Reminder we have the bank recording tomorrow.. Y/n.

Y/n: I'm fine now, I'll be then.

Wilbur: Y/n, take it from me, an musical who's pushed himself to the point where he didn't remember doing vocal's because of a fever, you need to rest.

Y/n: I don't-

[ They cough again, covering it. ]

Ranboo: Y/n..

Wilbur: I'm calling Tommy.

Y/n: Wh-What? Why?

Wilbur: Telling him you won't make it tomorrow and that you're also refusing to get rest.

Y/n: I'm almost done editing the video and-

Ranboo: Y/n-

[ They cough covering it and facing away from the two. Wilbur's on the phone with Tommy. ]

Ranboo: Let's go home. You need some cough medicine and to sleep.

Y/n: . . .

[ He slowly takes a gentle hold of their hand. ]

Ranboo: Come on, you need to..

[ They look away with a red tint on their face. ]

Y/n: Okay..

Ranboo: I'll drive you.

Y/n: You might get sick-

Ranboo: I have a good immune system.

Wilbur: Tommy says get home before he makes you!

- - -

[ The two stand in front of their door. ]

Ranboo: I wanna stay..

[ He leans on them. Maybe it's just the cold that makes Y/n blush. ]

Y/n: You have the recording and I don't want to get you sick..

Ranboo: I could cook you something warm and..

[ His arms go around their shoulders, hugging them. ]

Ranboo: Keep you warm..

Y/n: Ran-

Ranboo: I know I know..

[ They step away from them as they unlock their door. ]

Ranboo: Call me tomorrow, okay?

Y/n: Okay..

[ He walks to the car as Y/n gets inside. A certain black feline meets them. ]

Y/n: Hi Chico..

[ He purrs onto them as they take off their shoes and jacket, then picks the boy up. ]

Y/n: Ran said you were mean..

[ They carry the kitty to their bed and lay down with it petting him. ]

Y/n: You have to be nice to my friends.. especially him..

[ The cat does not care, as the both of them drift to sleep. ]

- - -

[ Their phone rings. And rings. They pick it up tiredly. ]

Y/n: Hello?

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