Jail Film

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[ They step out of their Uber as the icy air hits their face.

They quickly make it inside the building and melt into the warmth of the room. ]

Phil: Y/n?

Y/n: Y-Yeah?

[ They walk about then see a closet sized room with Phil in it, he is already in a cop outfit. ]

Phil: We only have jumpers left sorry.

Y/n: That's alright..

[ He hands them the outfit. ]

Phil: How have you been..?

[ They pause. ]

Y/n: Better.

[ Before he could reply they run off to change, he sighs. ]

Phil: [ Tommy wasn't kidding when he said they became quiet.. ]

- - -

Led: Okay just make sure not to lose the mic?

[ They nod as the two stand in a jail cell. ]

Led: Gosh darn you are so fricken pretty Y'know?

Y/n: . . . Th-Thank you.

Led: Of course darling, bye bye.

[ When she leaves they let out and sigh then sit down, putting their mask back on. ]

Y/n: [ Today hasn't been good.. maybe I can play off as the silent type? Or like framed.. ]

Ranboo: Y/n??

[ They look up and see them, the cop outfit modified into a tied crop top. ]

Ranboo: There you are! Damn those things are bright.

Y/n: Yeah not my color haha..

[ They hold their arms. ]

Ranboo: Are you cold?

Y/n: No no haha-

[ Tommy yells about. ]

Ranboo: Tell me if you need a jacket-

[ He rushes out, then more yelling happens.

They stand up and peek out the door. ]

Phil: Awh you look so scared..!

Charlie: Yeah they got here last night.

Ranboo: Newbies come with me, Phil make sure those lot are taken care of.

Phil: On it!

[ He leads the way to a different room. Empty. ]

Ranboo: Take a seat.

[ They sit on the floor across of the other. ]

Ranboo: So uh what are you in for?

Y/n: I uh..

[ He waits patiently for an answer. ]

Y/n: I was framed.. by my own court opponent..

Ranboo: Oh. Gee.

Y/n: Yeah.. I was literally drugged in front of the judge but that didn't matter. Hey uh..

Ranboo: Yes?

Y/n: M-Maybe it's the cold getting to me but-

[ He stands on their knees taking the jacket around his waist and putting it over them. ]

Ranboo: Yeah this place is.. severely old. Like my partner.

[ They pause, then smile. ]

Y/n: You're quite a nice officer.

Hesitant - Ranboo X Reader - forver unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now