Court Time Magic ✨

316 8 13

[ They sit on the steps scrolling on their phone.

They have on a black pair of torn jeans and black combat boots.

A simple black and white sweater and red beanie. ]

Tommy: Y/nnn?? Where are youuu??

Wilbur: Tommy be quiet..!

Tommy: But I'm trying to find Y/n.

Wilbur: Yelling isn't necessary..

Phil: Yeah-

[ As Phil and Wilbur lecture him, he spots them and runs at them. ]

Tommy: Get off your phone.

Y/n: Stop yelling.

[ Tommy helps them up, and then hugs them.

They awkwardly hug back spotting the others. ]

Y/n: [ I suddenly don't want to be here anymore.. ]

[ As they part Tommy goes over what they'll all do, as that happens they put on a black mask. ]

Ranboo: . . . You uh haven't face revealed either..?

Y/n: Oh uh no..

Ranboo: Yeah me neither.. mask gang.

[ They pauses then softly smile under their mask, holding out a fist bump. ]

Y/n: Mask gang.

[ Ranboo fist bumps them. ]

Y/n: [ God that was lame..! ]

[ They spin their fidget ring on their hand as they begin recording. ]

Tommy: And lastly we have Y/n, who is pretty cool, the new character on the scene who'll rock your world!

Y/n: More like give it a fist bump..

Ranboo: Hey that's true!

[ As the lot begin to go inside they put in an ear bud, turning on music. ]

Y/n: [ God this was a bad idea.. ]

[ They looks ahead and see Ranboo and Wilbur talking to each other. ]

Charlie: You look nervous.

Y/n: I am..

[ She spots Phil. ]

Y/n: I haven't really spoken to many streamers in uhm.. a long while..

[ Phil gives a small wave, they wave back. ]

Charlie: That's okay, it took me a while to find new people after a podcast I was a part of went down.

Y/n: Oh.

Charlie: Trust me it gets easier.

Y/n: . . . I had an idea, for a bit.

Charlie: I'm all ears!

- - -

Phil: I call my witness to the stand! They know!

Charlie: Where's your witness Mr.Za?

Y/n: Here!-

[ They stand up right next to Charlie. ]

Charlie: What the fuck???

Y/n: Magic ✨

[ They sit in the stand box. ]

Charlie: So you've witnessed the eating of Mr.Za's sausage roll?

Y/n: It appeared to me in a dream, for I am magic ✨

Charlie: I see I see, do tell.

Y/n: In this dream I see a candy cane, with yellow on top followed by red and white. It hovers above a sausage roll, menacingly. It begins to eat the sausage roll, but then a crow comes and attacks the candy cane.

Charlie: Wow. That's amazing.

Wilbur: Amazingly fake!

Y/n: Oi?

[ Wilbur stands face to face with Y/n. ]

Wilbur: In all reality my honor my opponent is talking shit. This is a dream we are taking for evidence?

Charlie: I know but our dreams have meaning Wil.

Y/n: Yeah and mine is-

[ Wilbur pulls a white cloth from his pocket and covers Y/n's mask with it, they fake pass out onto the stand. ]

Wilbur: Oh looky their taking another nap.

Charlie: They'll have an other magic moment when they wake up!

Ranboo: No that was just illegal intoxication-

Wilbur: Shhhhh! They're sleeping.

Ranboo: You literally-

[ They quickly sit up and look around. ]

Charlie: ( le gasp ) Magical Y/n what prophecy do you have now??

Y/n: . . . Wilbur's a little bitch.

[ Wilbur lunges at them with the cloth again and they fake pass out on the ground.

He pops up like nothing happened. ]

Charlie: Where'd magical Y/n go?

Wilbur: Where they belong.

Charlie: Where is that?

Wilbur: Hell.

- - -

[ They're all taking a break from recording.

They sit against the wall behind the judges seat on their phone. ]

Y/n: [ One more recording with Wilbur being the judge Charlie in cuffs Ranboo his lawyer Tommy cop.. ]

Ranboo: Hey.

[ They jump facing Ranboo. They hold two wraps. ]

Ranboo: Sorry, I uh.. got you a chicken wrap.. I didn't really know what to get you.

Y/n: Oh.. thank you.

[ He nods sitting down next to them handing them the wrap.

As Ranboo takes off their mask Y/n hesitates with theirs. ]

Ranboo: . . . I can like go if-

Y/n: Oh n-no I just.. I'm not too used to this yet, sorry.

[ They take theirs off then unwraps the wrap foil. ]

Ranboo: Uhm yeah Tommy was like half concerned that you actually said yes to this.. I uh of course don't know much about you but I uh enjoy that you're here in stuff. Cuz like mask gang, right?

[ He faces his fist in front of them. They smile and fist bump it. ]

Y/n: Yeah mask gang.

- - -

Extra -

Tommy: Buy Y/n something please!

[ The blonde ditches Ranboo in the store. ]

Ranboo: [ But I don't know what they like..! ]

[ They panic for a moment before grabbing two chicken wraps and quickly paying for them. ]

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Hesitant - Ranboo X Reader - forver unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now