A Night

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Y/n: Okay but then again is going to America really going to be okay?

Tommy: Okay okay I get it you're afraid, it's not home, it's new, I was like that at first too but this will be the best thing you've ever done trust me! It's gonna be me, Ranboo, Phil, Kristin, Charlie, Wilbur has tour in Ireland so no Wilbur sadly but there's also Jack and we can meet up with Schlatt and a few others too- just, really consider it? It would be amazing if you came with.

Y/n: Yeah, I'll give it more thinking time I promise but please let me sleep now it's 1 a.m. Tom.. you're usually out by 11..

Tommy: Yeah I uh got busy plus tomorrows my day off. Goodnight Y/n!

Y/n: Night Tom.

[ They hang up their phone tossing it on their pillow with a sigh.

Their eyes on their dark ceiling as Chico makes biscuits on their side of their stomach. ]

Y/n: [ Traveling is such a pain in the ass, there's airports which can be crowded and I could loose all my luggage, then there's the airplane itself which could be crowded, the seats are usually crambed, I might get a seat next to two complete strangers then there are the hotel beds which aren't like my bed and Chico, who would feed him? ]

[ They sigh turning their phone on, seeing no new texts. ]

Y/n: [ And I have the feeling I'm gonna have a bad night.. ]

- - -

[ It's 8 a.m. They got an uber to the office and now edits alone in the early morning. ]

Y/n: [ Don't think anyone's coming in today.. it's Tom's day off, Charlie has a photo shoot for his new plushies, Wilbur's on tour.. I have no idea what Phil is doing.. and Ran.. ]

[ They slowly drift off, the only wink of sleep they're getting is now. ]

- - -

[ 1:00 p.m. ]

Tommy: Ran do me a favor since you're heading out?

Ranboo: What's up?

Tommy: I left my hoodie at the office could you get it?

Ranboo: Yeah.

Tommy: Thank you!

[ The tall one exits their flat and begins to walk. ]

Ranboo: [ It's so much warmer out..! ]

[ In thought they walk to the office. ]

Ranboo: [ We have the trip soon.. Tommy said Y/n is considering joining but.. I have a feeling they won't. They always just stick to their comfort-zone.. but Sorry was a huge step out of the comfort-zone.. ]

[ He opens the door first entering Tommy's room for the hoodie, before he leaves they spot Y/n asleep on the computer. ]

Ranboo: [ Phil made sure they went home last night.. did they come back? ]

[ They walk over to the other. ]

Ranboo: [ They look exhausted even when asleep.. are they okay..? ]

[ They suddenly sit up, looking around before stopping on Ranboo. ]

Ranboo: Uh..

Y/n: . . . Hi.

[ They look at the time and then go back to editing, like nothing happened.

Ranboo looks at them with concern. ]

Ranboo: Are you uhm.. okay?

[ His hand rests on their shoulder. They look at him before replying. ]

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