Office Nap

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[ They open the door to the office, it's a bright and early 6 A.M., so it's just them here.

They toss their bag onto the couch and get to a computer, starting it and pulling up the film from the bank video. ]

Y/n: [ I should make coffee actually.. ]

[ They get up and snoop around the kitchen for coffee, they find the Jacksepticeye Tommy got. ]

Y/n: [ Oh yeah he made a video about this.. ]

[ As they hum they fix the coffee, well actually letting the coffee maker do all the work as they go back to the computer. ]

Y/n: [ Since Wilbur already did the mics I'll have to add in any sound effects, mostly the gun shots.. ]

- - -

Tommy: Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

[ Tommy walks in with Ranboo behind him. ]

Tommy: When did you get here?

Y/n: Uh..

[ They look at the time. 1 p.m. ]

Y/n: Let's not focus on that right now. I've filled the sound effects, then tweaked the mics just a bit. I've started on the extra pieces too-

Tommy: How many cups of coffee have you had..?

Y/n: . . . Let's not focus on that right now, and so all the mics are set for the extra video I'm starting the sound effects too.

[ Without noticing Ran made their way behind them as they blabbed on to Tommy.

He reaches their hands over the others, holding them. ]

Ranboo: You should probably take a break now. And no more coffee, you're shaking a bit. Let's get something to eat actually I imagine you haven't ate yet.

Y/n: A-Alright..!

Ranboo: What do you want to eat, love?

[ Y/n stumbles with their words as Ranboo simply waits for them. Tommy rolls his eyes leaving to his office.

They both agreed on McDonalds, sitting on the couch. Ran automatically has their arm around the others shoulder, on their phone.

Y/n sits perfectly still not knowing what to do, of course crimson. ]

Y/n: [ They're really.. clingy and I love it.. but I can't think of any good reason why! Maybe they're comfortable around me now..? They were like that after meeting up with Tommy and Toby for the first time, and almost automatically with Bill.. ]

Ranboo: I think you need to lay off the coffee for a while, your body can't relax.

Y/n: [ Of course it can't with you..! ]

[ Little does Y/n know Ran's mind is going as fast as theirs with this. ]

Ranboo: [ They're so red it's adorable.. wait could I be making them uncomfortable..? People do blush when they get uncomfortable- ]

Y/n: [ I can't believe he does these things so smoothly..! It's like it's a daily thing! Do they know I like them and this is their form of torture or something?! ]

[ They pull their legs to their chest scowling in thought. ]

Ranboo: [ Oh crap they look upset.. maybe I should get up with the excuse of Tommy being in his office.. or.. ]

[ He hesitantly place their hand on the others knee. ]

Y/n: [ Oh god- ]

[ Their both crimson sitting next to each other in nervous silence. ]

Hesitant - Ranboo X Reader - forver unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now