Oh What Art

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Phil: Y'know with the way they look at you and with all the uh haha hugging I would think they would like you.

Y/n: But he's- they hug everyone like that-

[ Phil gets close to his mic. ]

Phil: But not directly sleep with them twice.

Y/n: There's a first for everything!

Phil: Mate it's plain as day.

[ They sigh. ]

Y/n: Why would they like me like that, Phil? There is no good reason, I've got nothing worth while for him..

Phil: Mate, that's not the point. They don't need a good reason to like you, he likes you because you're just you. You're worth while for them.

Y/n: . . . I'll believe it when they tell me..

Phil: Awh mate this is..

[ He laughs softly. ]

Phil: Why don't you ask them?

Y/n: You're crazy.. see you tomorrow.

Phil: See ya.

[ He leaves the call and spins toward his lovely lovely lovely wife Kristin. ]

Kristin: They are just the clueless littlest thing.

Phil: So you're in?

Kristin: Of course, it's killing me how all they do is deny each others feelings.

Phil: I think it's cute, maybe before we do anything see how long they go before one of them confess.

Kristin: That's torture and you know it!

[ He cackles. ]

- - -

[ They arrive at the studio, tiredly opening the door and spotting Phil with Charlie. ]

Phil: Awh mate didn't you sleep?

Y/n: I tried.

Charlie: Did you take melatonin gummies?

Y/n: They give me nightmares.

Phil: I can order some coffee?

Y/n: Na I'll be fine I'm sure, thank you though.

Kristin: Phil the others got caught up in traffic and will be late, is Y/n here?

Y/n: Yeah..?

[ She looks up from her phone and sees them. ]

Kristen: Oh my god you're adorable! Hi I'm Phil's wife Kristin!

[ She hugs them, they hug back surprised a bit. ]

Y/n: I'm Y/n..

Kristin: Of course of course oh honey I've gotten the greatest idea for you, good thing we got extra time for it, please come with me!

[ They nod and then get dragged away by her. ]

Charlie: She's way too excited for this.

Phil: Of course she's a stickler for this kind of stuff.

- - -

Y/n: Are you sure make up is necessary..?

Kristin: Of course, haven't you played around with it before?

Y/n: Yeah but I'm not the best at it.

Kristin: Well Phil says I'm pretty good at it, dove.

Y/n: Dove?

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