A Scare

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Phil: Have you played this game before?

Y/n: No, is it hard?

Phil: No no you'll learn it fast.

[ They're in a discord call, waiting for Crumb and Ranboo. ]

Phil: Tommy told me a bit about Nook-

Y/n: He did..?

Phil: He was really worried about you mate..

Y/n: . . . Did he tell you everything?

Phil: Yeah. Y/n-

Y/n: I know you guys wouldn't do anything like that.. it's just hard to come back from it..

Phil: Not letting one in after a year though.. not even Tommy..

Y/n: Hey I've uh came out a bit, with Sorry and all.. It's been two years. I think I'll be alright.

Phil: I'm here if you ever need to talk, I know how Tommy can be sometimes..

Y/n: Thanks, Phil.

Phil: Of course mate.

[ They talk for a few minutes then a pitched voice chimes in. ]

Crumb: Hewwo?

Phil: Hi Crumb!

Crumb: Hi Phil how was your day?

Phil: Great what about you?

Crumb: Not gonna lie I just woke up an hour ago!

Y/n: Are you alright?

[ Crumb gasps. ]

Crumb: Y/n!!! Hi Y/n!! I've seen you one twitter before and you're really funny! I almost cried when you followed me back!

Y/n: Oh. Well I love your art it's really cute..

Crumb: Aaa!!! Rainbow's told me so much about you!

Y/n: Th-They have?

Crumb: Yea about how cu-

Ranboo: Uh Ello?

Crumb: Hi Rainbow I was telling Y/n how you were talking about them and how you said-


Crumb: Cheesed??? No how do I get cheesed??

Ranboo: Someone throws cheese at you when you don't expect it. I got Tommy the other day.

Crumb: Imma do that to my sibling hehe!

Phil: Codes in chat.

Crumb: Don't leak it Rainbow!!

Ranboo: How about you don't leak it!

Crumb: I've never leaked anything!!

Ranboo: Nuh uh!

Crumb: Ya uh!

Phil: Fuck-

Y/n: You leaked it..?

Phil: No, my game crashed.

Y/n: You're still here though..

Phil: Shit. Okay-

[ He mumbles to himself fixing his game. ]

Phil: Okay!

Crumb: Yay!

Ranboo: Let's switch to the game mics now.

[ The lot all mutes and deafens in discord, Y/n fondles with the settings for a moment then is able to hear and speak. ]

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