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KimTAE take Jennie return to their country, Jennie wake up and see the surrounding the same wooden home. She relieved for a second but she look at a picture 2 Kim's! Like seriously? The photo is VanTAE and KimTAE. The time is night in Korea, a man appear all of a sudden,

JENNIE: what the-? Wait, Tae? VanTAE?

VanTAE: yes Jen it's me!

JENNIE: VanTAE, VanTAE *eyes started to get tear up!

VanTAE: I'm here baby

JENNIE: just take me home tae! I can't bear this pain anymore

VanTAE: look Jen, i come to meet you here-

JENNIE: meet me? Are you not gonna rescue me from this hell?

VanTAE: i can't do anything, to my brother!

JENNIE: he just rape me everyday and night being like a psycho! You acting Like this! Am i joke to you people?

VanTAE: Jen I'm going to rescue you soon!

JENNIE: soon? Am i joke to you? Why you doing this to me? Do you love me or not?

VanTAE: I'm against KimTAE ok! Not like you thinking! I'll save you from him!

JENNIE: my hope just faded like now you will gone!

VanTAE: Jen! I want you to stay with him for 1 more week after that I'll save you from him! Ok baby?

JENNIE: 1 more week? If I pass this day tomorrow I'll definitely die by his torture

VanTAE: you stay with him 1 and half week just one more week only baby! Just adjust after that I'll come back from THAI

JENNIE: will you come for me?

VanTAE: I born for you! I'll come and save you KimTAE will face the consequences. TRUST ME BABY!

JENNIE: please come soon tae! I'm dying here *tear eyes

VanTAE: soon Jen love you more! Let me go! Bye *kiss her lips she responds his kiss

After that VanTAE left the place just made her cry hard while tightly grab the bedsheet. After 10 minutes KimTAE come with the smile develop as Smirk after see her swallowed lips

KimTAE: hi Jen! Take nice rest ah?

JENNIE: yes- yes!

KimTAE: but look at your lips, and the scent? Why it's remember my brother's scent?

JENNIE: what smell nothing is like what you said

KimTAE: then why are you nervous?

JENNIE: nothing just-just

KimTAE: oh Jen why you acting like nothing happened?

JENNIE: please trust me!

KimTAE: ofcourse Jen! Ok come to downstairs let's have some food and fun *wink

JENNIE: sure *fake smile with tear eyes

After that saying KimTAE leave the place her eyes started to flow again, that time a phone rang in the side table she took and look and the id it's JK

JENNIE: hello, jk?

JK: oh! Again it's my baby darling ha?

JENNIE: did you pass the letter to jimin?

JK: as i said I gave it to HER! *Creepy smile

JENNIE: to whom?

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