Notes and Disclaimers

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If i had to put it in a specific trope i think you could describe it as a best friends to enemy's to lovers kind of story :)
Also applying: internalised homophobia, unrequited love

I've honestly never written anything, this is my first try, so pls. indulgent with me. Comments and feedback is welcomed, so i can improve my writing.
English is not my first language, which is why i apologise in advance for any grammar and spelling mistakes.
I'm a big Barca fan obviously ;))

Realised while writing and listening to music that some lyrics of Kenna Graces song "strangers" fit well to the story and i want to somehow include it into it.

I'm sure I read almost all Gadri that exist, even the spanisch ones and now i kind of ran out. So I thought why not write a story about this pairing myself.

- The characters, their traits and their actions in this story are fictional and only fictional, which means not reality. I do not want to harm any of the mentioned persons or insinuate anything on them.
- All rights of this story belong to me.
- It's gonna be really slow burn, sorry

- As of now there are not any violent or triggering content in this story, but i will put a trigger warning if needed in later chapters
- Smut/sexual content: At some point there will be or at least implied scenes but I am still not sure how detailed it will be written and how I feel with writing it -> If you feel uncomfortable pls just skip these scenes

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