12. Jealousy

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I can't believe he's like a grown up now. It sounds wrong while looking at him, clearly enjoying the lighthearted atmosphere, talking in everybody warm embraces and best wishes.
A person from the social media team starts filming as Ansu brings him a cake with an blue font, decorated 18 and the Barca logo. He hands it to Gavi who immediately blows out the candles, blushing embarrassed. He probably wants this to get over with quick. Doesn't like being the Center of attention.

But to be honest he somehow always is. His charming and shy demeanour just draws people in, gets them to like this boy and he doesn't even notice it.

I catch myself smiling at the wholesome scene. When his eyes meet mine though his own smile dies down.

I realise the camera is still on us, so I approach and congratulate him with a hug. It's awkward and his body stiffens at the contact but I can't help and bury my nose in his neck to take in the scent of my Ex best friend.

In the lockers Gavi talks animatedly with Fermín as he changes into his street wear he has changed a bit. I noticed that he grew his hair out over the summer, till his curls fall over his forehead. And I don't know what else but it looks cute. I can't help my wandering the curves of his body.

He's now literally glowing when he laughs at something Fermín said.

They've been extremely clingy sind the latter joined the team. I know they've been friend since a long time at La Masia and even come from the same region but its still hurts a teeny tiny bit that he found such a good replacement for me.

Yo, dude! Stop, you're staring! - Ferran gets me out of my trance and gives me a knowing look.

Next day

This night its team dinner at Lewandowski's house. We do it once a month, last time it was Araujo's turn.

This time is partly also to celebrate Gavis birthday, that was yesterday, with the team a bit.

Apparently he had didn't through a big party. Ferran told me he had a little gathering with his closest friends. La Masia teammates I suppose. Ansu, Fermín and Balde were sure a part of it.

Anyways we're always allowed to bring a plus one, partner. Normally I just go alone, but Fernando insisted to come along this time.
I could have brought Pilar but she's busy in Madrid with doing her masters. It would also be to soon, I don't even know what I really want with her yet. We've been on a few dates and slept together a few times. But it's also nice to just spent time with her.

She's very polite and smart. Told me she's was quite surprised when I texted her, wanting to meet up.

"I am gonna head over, to congratulate Gavi." - Fernando tells me, looking expectantly, waiting if I wanted to come with.
I just nodded at him to go on with it.

Fer has voiced his concern about Gavi and my departure. Even asked me what happened multiple times.

I just told him that we grew apart which was bullshit of course. You can't go from literally clinging to each other to not speaking at all in the course of a week.

Fer scoffed at my bluff but eventually took the hint and left the matter.

I watch as he approaches and ruffles Gavis hair and goes in for a hug to congratulate him. Except when they pull apart they stay in side hug, Fernandos arm dropping down, now resting around Pablos waist.
I clench my jaw.

The group erupts in laughter when he makes a joke. Probably about Gavi being an adult now or something like that as hes blushing furiously.

Fer smiles at him amused and there's something else in his gaze I can't quite interpret but I don't like.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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