8. escalation

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                                 December 10

23 : 12

Pablito :)
Voice message


I rush forward to reach for my phone in record speed as soon as I saw Gavis name pop up on the screen.
Because of my nerves I make a mistake trying to unlock it, so I let out an frustrated grunt when I have to type in the numbers of my pin for a second time.

In our chat I see the about 50 seconds long voice message Pablo sent me a few moments ago. I still and pause my actions for a second.

Does he need help with something? Maybe he feels sick again?
No he would have called instead.
Will he want to talk about the kiss and tell me that he did not actually intend to?
Very likely.

Taking a deep breath, before I press the play button.

Silence and breathing is what I notice first before his silent voice sounds:
„Heyy, pepi___" he pauses  „___I just wanted to thank you, for not getting mad at me for what I said at the part."

He speaks really slowly and with an amused tone to his voice. I can tell the alcohol is still in his system.

„I know I already did before, but you know I can control my emotions sometimes and then I say stuff I don't mean..."
- he chuckles to himself, before talking a breath- „God, I always get like that when I am around you___
You make me wanna say all that weird stuff and think those weird things..."

I can almost hear his smile through the phone while talking.

„ But what I actually wanted to say is that you just the best pepii, my favouuritee teammate__
but shhh, don't tell the others___haha"

There is a longer pause now.

„And that kiss__   - he chuckles again, almost like a little kid that did something sneaky - __ best kiss EvEr, I swear."
„God, I am probably so wasted right now haha... maybe I should stay away from alcohol now." - it sounds like he is saying it more to himself then to me.

„Well, I should go back to sleep now, like you said, tomorrow is practice___ Good night Pedri, sleep well, like I will."

A click sounds, meaning the voice message is over.

I stare at my phone in shock. Expected everything but not this...
What was this even? What was he talking about anyways?

-„best kiss ever"- his voice resounds in my head.

What? It wasn't even a prober kiss. That must have been the effect of the alcohol.
How can he even say that when - as far as I know - he hasn't kissed anyone yet... well except me

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