Chapter 4

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"He's doing it again"-Ferran states while we do a simple partner exercise as Xavi and his staff have prepared something not so intense for the first training session after the national break. I automatically look over to him. Ferran has mentioned Gavi staring multiple times already and honestly, I've noticed it as well. "I'm telling you, he's becoming obsessed with you" -Ferran adds, exaggerating. I roll my eyes at his comment- "Come on Ferran just drop it" - I tell him because I'm getting tired of him making up nonsense about Gavi. He just gives me a dismissive shrug obviously not getting the hint when he starts again- „If I was in you position I would be creeped out by the way he's clinging to you sometimes."
"Well Pablo is my best friend of course he hangs out with me a lot or looks at me from time to time, that's normal." -I say.
"I'm his friend too and he doesn't stare at me." -he argues on.
"Look Ferran, firstly your Gavis friend but not his best friend. That's me. Secondly how do you know that he isn't just squinting and in reality been looking at you all this time?"
At this he just scoffs at me and says clearly offended- "Oh I know I am just a casual friend and not worthy of the bond that you two share but you don't have to rub it in my nose and be so bitchy about it Pedro." With that he turns around sulking, continuing the drill we are supposed to do. Knowing that he will not take it to hard and calm down again I return to the task as well. With this wouldn't be as easy. When he get's mad at me, even about little things, it takes forever plus a lot of food to get him to forgive me again. The funny thing is most of the time I'm not even the one who's in the wrong, but Gavi himself. I can't help my eyes wandering to were the said boy is standing with Balde. As expected his eyes are already on me again, or they probably never even left. It takes him a while to realise that I'm holding his gaze. As he does he adverts his eyes and shoots his head down feeling caught and trying to pretend to not have seen me. It slightly upsets me to be honest but Ferran is right. Of course I have noticed it too. Ever since national break he's been acting strange. Zoning out of our group's bickering, only joining into the conversation when addressed personally. I can tell something is on his mind that is bothering him. I want to find out so bad. I am going to confront him about it today. It's Wednesday so we've made plans. Every Wednesday we're scheduled a really late training session, like today, so I started to ask Gavi to stay over at my house frequently so I don't have to drive him home. Most of the times we play FIFA, watch games or cook something together, or at least attempt to. Poor Fer and his beloved kitchen space. And not often but sometimes we just deep talk about God and the World. The thing is I really enjoy these Wednesday nights with Gavi and I think he does too. So that's why we've kinda came to this unspoken agreement of him sleeping over every week.

It's already dark and raining outside when we are in the car only three minutes left before finally home after this long day. The windows are tarnished because of the heat we radiate from showering and I can still smell Gavis significant shampoo around the car. We've been relatively quiet the whole ride occasionally humming to a song playing on the radio. It's quite pleasant to just relax and be in your own head for a few minutes, especially when it seems everybody wants something from you the whole day. Don't get me wrong I love that I'm able to make my Hobby a job but there are the well known downsides to it as well. This doesn't seem like a Gavi problem at the moment though as he's zoned out and lost in his own thought the whole day. I'm in fact dying to talk to him about it. I can't stand to see him like this. But I know well enough not to bring it up to early and first let him settle down and eat something. He'll get grumpy and distant about it otherwise. I take the last turn and we reach the driveway of my house. I turn off the engine, unbuckle my seat belt, face the passenger seat and address him-  "I'm starving, hopefully Fer made something nice for dinner today, don't you think?". He startles at my voice a little bit because because of our long silence before and I can't help but feel a little bad even though I know I didn't do anything wrong and the reaction is just the result of Pablo being left alone with his overthinking to long.
He's still quick to answer-  "Of course, what a question, training was hard today"-he states while we head to the door. I'm just about to get my keys when Fer opens it- "Hurry! You guys are late, the food will get cold".
"Well hello to you too tío" I remark while side hugging him.
"Gavito" -he calls out, ignoring my comment. "It's so nice to see you, come in you must be so hungry".
"Hi Fer" Gavi says exiting embracing him in a tight hug. I roll my eyes at them.

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