6. realisation

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GAVI POVThe loud and annoying ringing of my alarm finally brings me into consciousness

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The loud and annoying ringing of my alarm finally brings me into consciousness. Blinking my eyes open and stretching I can feel me legs and back sore from our last game. Groaning I roll over to face the alarm clock. 8.30 it shows. Oh shit. Fully awake now, I jump out of bed and stumble to the bathroom, cursing because I hit my toe on the the door frame. I am gonna be late again. I have already been late to all of the morning sessions this week and made Pedri wait outside. At least today my dad will be driving me. I am a very clumsy and unorganised person at nature, but even for me these last few days have been crazy. Ive forgotten my stuff at home or at the facility, not been able to focus on Training or team meetings, and am a mess in general. Xavi has already scolded me yesterday for not paying attention and being distracted. I do not him to have want to repeat himself today.
All of this has a reason though. It usually means that something is bugging me. Something is on my mind. And I know exactly what. Not even at night he lets me sleep in peace.
Since that night in Madrid i can't stop thinking about what happened and what I witnessed. Even though I feel like Ive been a part of it. When i close me eyes the visuals of the scene flash before me, many questions have been occupying my mind. My head seems not to let the topic go and is apparently very interested in Pedris sex life.
That's normal though, right? Considering my age and lack of own experience it would make sense to be irritated when confronted with such situations. It's probably just the teenage hormones that liked what they saw and awoke something in me. Plus its not like I am gay or something.
What's also been bothering me is how Pedri hasn't brought up the topic and I don't believe he will anymore. Normally Pedri is the one that always wants to talk things out and communicate about possible problems in our friendship.
But its already been a week since the gala and he is pretending like it never happened. Im kinda disappointed about that. But maybe for him its just not a big deal at all that Ive seen him and I am just overreacting and exaggerating as always. It could simply not have been of any importance to Pedri so he doesn't see the necessity to mention it. On the other hand maybe he feels really uncomfortable and was disgusted by me watching him doing something so intimate. I don't like any of these scenario so to be honest. My last hope is that he might want to talk about it tonight. It's Wednesday, so I am staying over at his tonight. Anyways nothing has changed in dour friendship or how we behave around each other ever since and I am grateful about it. But I do still feel a little awkward and nervous around Pedri.

It's a Thursday morning and like I expected Pedri did not mention a single word about the gala night or about the girl. For me that means that this topic is closed now. Somehow we made it on time today because Pedri woke me up an hour early then we normally get up knowing I would somehow mess up and get us late again.
We exit the facility and the cold air immediately hits me and sends a violent shiver over my body. It's early December after all and winter in Barcelona. And of course I had to forget to pack my warm training sweater. Would've have been a miracle if something would actually work out these days.
"Hold this" - Pedri's voice calls out, suddenly besides me, holding out his puffer Barça jacket. I grab if confused as he starts to undress his hoddie. Revealing his stomach from accidentally pulling his T-shirt up too. I just stare caught blank before I realise what he's doing and can object he holds it out to me, garbs his jacket and takes off in direction off the grounds again without saying any more.
I quickly catch up to him - "Pedri no, you'll freeze now."
"I still have the jacket, I'll be fine." - he answers - "You will also catch a cold, god I can't even look at you in that thin shirt. It's like five degrees at the moment."

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