Chapter 3

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Weird thoughts

I sprint down the stairs, which is by the way not ideal for a professional footballer, when I hear Pedri's honk in front of my house. I only hear Auroras scream- "Bye Pablo, have fun" when I'm already at the door. "Look who's finally here" -Pedri greets as he gets out of the car to help me put my suitcase in his trunk. "Heyy Pepii"-i reply dragging out the 'i' and he gives me a warning look that implies 'Don't you dare call me that'. "What? Fer can say it, why not me? Am I not special to you?" - I ask teasingly. "We've discussed this too many times Gavi, now get in the car, we're already late for our flight." -he answers not in the mood for an argument. So I just do what I am told dropping the topic.
It's national Break again, this time we're going to the Facility in Málaga to train  and then absolve a test game. I'm so exited. Don't get me wrong I love Barça and nothing comes close to playing for my club but there's just something special about different players for rival clubs uniting for their nation.
The trip went by surprisingly fast. At the airport we met up with Ansu and Ferran and spent most of flight listening to music or joking around. After we arrived we only have a small meeting with the rest of the team where we are told that the first practice will start tomorrow and afterwards we have film some content for the SEF's social media account. After the staff gives a few more informations, I head to my room. Everybody's got their own. Much to my dismay because I like sharing a room with somebody. I vaguely remember that back La Masia three to four boys were put together in dorms for away games. We stayed up all night doing all kind of nonsense till a coach came and scolded us for being tired the following day. But here and now most are grown ups who wouldn't want to cuddle up in bed with their teammates. -Pedri doesn't mind that though- which is why I unlock the door to my room throw my suitcase inside and head straight over to his. I knock and hear a faint -"come in". I close the door and head straight to the bed Pedri is sitting on watching something on a Laptop. "You don't need to knock every time you know, the door is open anyways and its not like any of the others would come to my room in the evenings to give me company "- he reasons. "That sounds so wrong Pedri" - I say getting on the bed so I can get a good look on the display. "Only in your dirty mind apparently"- Pedri counters. Embarrassed by his implications I say- "I don't need to come here anymore actually, I can sleep just fine alone and not bother you if you want some priva-" That's not what I said" -he's quick to interrupt - "you know i don't mind". "Oh I know I just love hearing you blabbering on about how amazing I am and how you can't go a minute without my godlike presence by your side- I tease but immediately realise my mistake. Pedri is already throwing himself on me, pushing me and grabbing my arms to press me down so I end up laying back against the mattress . "I dont like where that ego is growing, Gavira" he says imitating a deep voice." "Well I'm humble enough because with my talent it should be even bigger" - i say just to edge him little bit more and I try fighting him off by kicking my feet und arms. But to know success as he just uses his weight on top of me to still my movement. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves alright. But i gotta admit you're pretty great. I'm proud to have you as a friend"-he says looking at me. "Really?" I ask, his words causing me to completely halt every attempt to push him away and feel my heart warming. "Yes of Course" -he says in the most casual manner. "Well your such an amazing friend too. The best actually."- I return the praise stumbling slightly over the words as I realise the position were in. Pedri still holding my arms to the sides of my body his leg's bracketing my lower half. "Glad to hear" -he simply says with a smile. He seems closer than before and I feel my face heat up and pulse accelerate. "Yeah" -I whisper while looking down at his lips and notice him still coming towards me, not stopping.
I flinch. The second i open my eyes again I notice that Pedri just let himself fall face forward first into pillow right besides my head. He chuckles lightly as he lifts himself up again and gets off me- "Alright I think its time to sleep, the mister won't go easy on us tomorrow." "Your right" -I answer getting out of my daze. "Good night Gavi" -with that he tucks himself in and rolls over to turn off the light. "Night Pedri" -I answer also pulling my blanket up.
What just happened? Or an even better question: What did I think was going to happen?

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