5. intimate

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GAVII have been in a bad mood the whole day

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I have been in a bad mood the whole day. All because I know that tonight I've to do something I don't like at all. It's this charity event the club has to attend. Plus it is in Madrid. We have to travel there today and even stay at the venue for the night due to an open end of this gala. Don't get me wrong I am not a bad person. It's good to be able to help poor children in need by collecting money from important brands, companies or private donations from rich people or whatsoever. This is not the problem. However for me, this is a nightmare.
Many people. Too many people. An event that is not football-related, by direct means at least. I know I am being ridiculous. Every other human being would be grateful for such an opportunity. Meet new people and just enjoy themselves for a night, drinking champagne and eating quality food. But like I already said multiple times, not me. Starting last night I've felt uneasy this whole time, always knowing in the back of my head that the gala will start soon. My head making up countless scenarios of what could possibly go wrong. The conversations I would have have, answering inappropriate questions about myself. At the same time I feel guilty because my thoughts and fears are not justified. Im not even the Center of attention, its not like Ive to hold a speech. Stupid Pablo, literally no one cares, no one would notice if you said something silly while introducing yourself. Just thinking about this makes me feel a little sick in the stomach. The thing is, people have noticed. Whether it's fans pointing out my shaking hands during interviews or the media posting videos of my "scared expression", looking like a lost deer. This makes me even more anxious about it and overthink all of my actions while being on camera.
Not when I am on the pitch. There I am able to forget about my worries and only focus on doing what I love without worrying about being judged. Pedri even said once that I have two personalities. A football one and one for the world outside of football. Sometimes I would love to be as careless as I'm on the pitch in real life. Pedri made this joke and laughed about it afterwards, but he wouldn't know. He's so lighthearted about those things and doesn't give a shit about what others might say. Does questionable ads about bananas that would be embarrassing if any others did it, but him making it look like its the coolest thing ever. He's not actively trying to be a people pleaser and still everybody loves him. Even rivals, Madrid players always mention his name first when asked about their thoughts on Barca players. He's not much older than me but everyone respects him, his talent and doesn't view him as a kid. Meanwhile I have "too much anger issues, a passion merchant" while playing. According to many football fans I'm only good at fouling or making fangirls because of my looks.
Yet our obvious differences, Pedri I believe is the only one to really understand me with this. He reads me like an open book and manages to make me feel more at ease in uncomfortable situations. And I'm so grateful for it. Sometimes I wish I could give him something back. Return the favour, but like I said he's just to calm for such a slip up.

The trip went unconventionally. After check in at the same hotel the event will take place, I just showered and am now dressing up in my suit. I don't like formal clothing. Would rather choose a big comfy hoodie.
The collar of my shirt felt to tight around my neck resulting in me being short of breath even though I already left the upper button open. After I finished changing I go to sit on the bed of the room me and Pedri share to wait for him to get ready. Meanwhile I go on my phone checking my socials to distract myself from thinking about what's coming this evening. I should do it more often anyway, my manager told me that it is important how i present myself to the online community and keep my fans updated. Not even five minutes passed and I hear the bathroom door opening. I look up to see Pedri exiting followed by a thick steam from showering. I inspect his outfit.
He's dressed in a dark blue casual jeans and a white button up, leaving the last top button open and sleeves rolled up to reveal some of his neck and arms. It looks cool but still counts as formal and elegant. Damn why didn't I come up with this and instead had to wear an uncomfortable suit. I look up to see his cheeks dusted in red from the heat and his hair still wet, curling on his forehead. I like how he lets it grow longer recently.
„Stop drooling Gavira, we have to go!" - I can make out a damp voice.
Pedri must have noticed me not reacting and still staring into the now empty spot before the bathroom door. I can feel his presence approaching and hand softly touching my shoulder. His blurry face looking at me clears as I manage to get out of my haze and am now able to make out his words.
„Look Gav, I know you don't like all this stuff, the cameras, the people,.. - he sighs- „but you're gonna be okay tonight. Just relax, we're just here to represent the club. You don't wont have to do anything you don't like, Okay? Plus i promise I wont leave your side and in just a few hours we'll be back in here. But we really have to go right now." - Pedri encourages me and reaches his hand out to me wearing a worried expression. I nod and take his hand to get of the bed. We leave the room and I feel a little more at ease with Pedris calm and relaxed demeanour next to me.

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