7. losing control

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Pedri POV

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Pedri POV

- flashback -

She stumbles backwards as I pull her in the room with me. Already in the middle of an heated make out session.
I saw it coming honestly. Knew it would happen, that we would somehow end up here tonight.
Since the first moment she locked eyes on me plus the way she spoke to me, I could tell she was interested in me. And no denying she's a pretty girl. Brunette, hair nice smile, big brown eyes, casually dressed.

Exactly my type.
Ferran noticed this as well as he was shooting a suggestive glance my way when Pilar and I went to get a drink before.
We talked a lot at first and I figured that it was indeed a possibility to hook up. And to be honest its been a long times since I had a proper hook-up being to occupied with football or something other work-related.  After all, I am just an hormonal young man with needs. It would be nice to release some tension tonight before my tight schedule continues tomorrow.
- I thought to myself and weighted my options.
She seems nice as person too, is not new to the world of popular people, so most likely wont tell the press about it afterwards. It seemed to convince me enough.

Then one thing led to another. And now I am here, leaned against my bathroom door. Belated I realise and she already on hear knees, my trousers pulled down. To needy to care I grab the back of her head with little force and guide it, where I want her most. The brunette seems to enjoy it though, as she lets out a pleased little huff, before putting her mouth to work and - Oh fuck. That felt good.
I throw my head back, concentrating on the pleasure I am feeling, trying to relish the moment,  forget the Pent up of the last days.

As I bring my head back down to look back down again, I startle as I can make out a lean figure, watching us, watching me.
Im shooked to see Gavi standing in the doorframe and panic shots through me as a first instinct. But its already gone as fast as it came as the lust overtakes the rational parts of my brain again. Im far gone to actually react or pull her away as we are being watched. With all my attention now on the perpetrator, I can't help me eyes wandering along his lean body, gaze going up his slightly curvy figure, before taking in his soft facial features and locking eyes with him.

There is something unreadable in his glance. His eyes big and eyebrows creased, almost looking scared. But when I look longer, I think I see something different in his expression as well.
Behind his puppy dog facade I believe to see something I would define as curiosity, anticipation ?
As if he is drawn in by the scene in front of him.

The thought of Pablo might being exited, even aroused by watching me catches me of guard. All those assumptions are to much and I am pushed over the edge to see black.

When I came back down from my high, back to my senses, I open my eyes to find the spot he stood, empty.
He left...

After my climax, Pilar left. I feel bad, don't know if she expected we do more, or for me to return the favour. She did not seem mad about it at least. Was actually really nice after the whole thing (she didn't notice we were being watched after all). But even if I wanted to go further with her, I am not sure if I could have done it, with all the heat of the moment gone and the cold truth hitting me:

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