10. distance

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We watch his backside disappear at the end of the hallway, turning left to probably heading to Xavis office like he was being told. I can't help but feel a bit of hurt at how he straight up ignored me. As if he couldn't even bare to look at me at the moment.
I take a long deep breath and face Ferran. I almost forgot he was there and was ignored too.

He just shrugs, - „He probably just needs time Pedri, he will come back around eventually. Don't worry!"

"I didn't even say anything" - I say defensively. But I guess the worried look on my face betrayed me. Just the thought of Gavi not coming back to me, possibly losing our friendship for a stupid reason like this makes me sick to the stomach.

I try I hold on to Ferrans words. We will be okay. Like we always were in the end.

1 week later
Except that this time it's different. It's been a week sind my one sided encounter with Pablo. And two weeks since our ugly fight. Sine then we haven't spoken a single word to each other. And it wasn't for a lack of trying on my part. I tried to get closer to him, make light jokes and so on. But he has been avoiding me like a plague.
It hurts me for the most part. I miss my best friend I miss talking to someone who is on the same wavelength with me. Joking around with him and seeing his cheeky smile.

For the other part I am getting increasingly frustrated at his nonchalant behaviour towards me. I already felt guilty after the leak, and his possible "outing?".
I regret everyday having him allowed to go to this stupid party and then not having protected him there. It's still unfair, not everything what happened is my fault. I did not asked for my cellphone to get hacked and have every personal data of my life revealed to the public. He was the one who got drunk, kissed me and sent me a weird, confusing voice message.

Therefore yes, it does feel kind of unfair to me for him to just blame this on me, sulk and give me the silent treatment. I thought our friendship was worth more than that. For him to maybe also try to make a step towards making amends with me. Having trust in our connection to figure this out together. For him to talk to me about whatever problems he seems to have in his life right now.

But instead, it only seems to get worse.
Before he asked Fermin to switch partners as we were paired up to do an exercise. This childish act made me even more angry. It also affects the team. Everybody has noticed the tension between us.

We get together for a scrimmage in teams of five. Everything goes well for my team. We're leading 1-0 as I dribble the ball past the others and see an opportunity to assist Ferran. But before I get to pass the ball someone slides in with a hard tackle causing me to stumble forwards and fall face first onto the grass. I feel a stinging in the muscle of my thigh and grimace in pain as I look up to meet Gavis disbelieving scared eyes.

That's when I see red. I get back up in no time and push him hard. He stumbles backwards and falls onto his ass.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?" - I scream as I hover over him.
How could he ? He's never gone in that hard on me before. He of all should know best that I am fragile and injury prone.

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