Chapter 1

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Breath in. Breathe out. Breath in.

The butterflies' in his stomach wings stopped flapping as his brain shut down. He tried to breathe out, but it feels like there was a lump in his throat. Not a lump, a bubble. A big ass bubble just waiting to burst. But instead of bursting, it travels up his esophagus and left his body through his mouth, taking his voice with it. His bottom lip trembled as he tried to find his words. This could not be happening. He looked down at his hands with wide eyes. This could not be happening!

"Suga, are you alright?"

Sugawara zoomed back into reality to see his two friends staring at him with concerned expressions. He smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a little zoned out." That was sort of the truth. "What did you say?"

Sawamura Daichi leaned back in his chair. "I said, Michimiya asked me out on a date."

Sugawara flinched. He really didn't want to hear it again.

"And you said yes, right?" Asahi Azumane asked, running a hand through his hair.

With a nod, Daichi confirmed the expectation. Sugawara watched the small embarrassed blush appear on his cheeks and felt like crying. The lump in his through return.

"You never told us you liked her!" He accused with a laugh. It was obvious it was forced, but it was the only way he could get through this moment with tears running down his face. Being loud and obnoxious.

Daichi sighed and touched the back of his neck. "Is it weird that I don't?" He chuckled awkwardly.

Sugawara and Asahi exchanged a glance in confusion. To Asahi, it wasn't adding up. Why go out with a girl you didn't even like? He always knew Daichi was too much of a people-pleaser. To Sugawara, this gave him hope he had a chance. The lump lightened.

"If you don't like her, why are you going out with her?" Asahi questioned, twirling the straw in his drink while Sugawara leaned over to clean the liquid out of his beard. A pet peeve of his.

"We're not going out, we're going on our first date." Daichi corrected. "Michimiya's an old friend. And a good friend as well. I don't feel anything for her now but what if I do after this date. Besides, I feel like rejecting her after a date is better than rejecting her immediately."

Sugawara looked at him with weary, loving eyes as he sat back down in his seat. "Daichi, you don't owe it to her to protect her feelings. If you don't feel the same way, she should accept that." He leaned across the table and put his hand on top of Daichi. "Only do what you feel comfortable doing."

Daichi gave him a soft smirk with a thoughtful expression as he took Sugawara's hand and got a comforting squeeze in return. There was a bright blush on Sugawara's face as he retrieved his hand and stuck it by his side underneath the table. Asahi squinted at him.

Sugawara, you sneaky snake.

Sugawara felt Asahi's gaze on him and stood up. "I have to go home." He said quickly, grabbing his bags. "I have uh- homework to finish. It's really complicated." He chuckled nervously. "But um... text me! I'll see you guys later."

In a flash, before the two boys could get out another word, Sugawara had darted out the door. They looked at each other, confused about his abrupt departure.

As he ran home, a frown appeared on Sugawara's face. That was the most selfish thing he'd ever done. Trying to convince his best friend to not go on a date with someone because of his own jealousy? He really was pathetic and disgusting.

He couldn't ignore the expression on Asahi's face when he held Daichi's hand. It was a magical experience, and he felt as if a thousand fireworks exploded in his stomach. He'd waited so long. But Asahi's face... He knows. He knows about Sugawara's pathetic crush on his best friend. He knows about the manipulation Sugawara tried to push on Daichi by making it seem like his idea. At the moment, Suga thought he was just being helpful but the true intention of his words really bled through his mind.

He cannot do that again. The lump in his throat solidified as he realized what he had to do. Tears streamed down his face as he prepared his heart for the next phase of his life. He'd have to stop pursuing Daichi. He'd have to try his best to get him and Michimiya together. Furthermore, he'd have to push down his feelings for Daichi for the sake of their friendship.

The butterflies would have to dissolve in acid. 

~ 770 words~ 

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