Chapter 10

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Four weeks before graduation

Anyone could figure out that Koushi and Daichi were dating. Not the fact they suddenly got extremely affection with each other or the fact that Daichi is no longer dating Michimiya. But because they were happier, especially together.

Every single day, after Daichi's class has ended, if they weren't in the same class, Koushi would wait outside the classroom. Then, when their dismissed, Daichi's eyes would fly straight to the door and sure enough, Koushi was there, offering a small wave. The sight would bring a smile to Daichi' face. He'd fly out the classroom and whisper something in Koushi's ear, making him smile and blush. They'd chat for a while. Sometimes it's sad, sometimes it's happy. And sometimes they'd say nothing but make lovey-dovey eyes at each other. Then they'd walk away together, bumping shoulders since holding hands is too risky.

At volleyball practice, they were always the first ones there. Either caught setting up the court or sitting against the wall, smiling at each other and laughing harshly. They were always the first to choose each other for teams. For practice drills and they sat together during breaks.

And once Coach Ukai and Mr. Takeda left, Daichi would take control of the team and instructed everyone in cleaning. Then, once the entire court was spotless, most of the time, they would make plans to go to the sore and most of the time Koushi and Daichi would come. But the other times, Daichi would say he has to shower and Koushi would say he "has to do something". Everyone knew that it was suspicious, except Kageyama until they explained it to him, but they said nothing. Koushi and Daichi would come out when they're ready.


Three weeks before graduation

Their time using the gymnasium has come to an end. It was their last practice and there were a bunch of tears coming from the third years.

"All right, practice is over," Coach Ukai commanded sadly. Usually, he's say, "Practice is over for today," but now? Practice is really over.

Koushi slumped down onto the bench and began to weep. Asahi sat next to him, and they hugged, crying softly into each other. It was over. Their time has run out. Daichi approached the other side of Koushi, placing a hand on his back. He tried to be strong, he really had but a single tear had escaped and pretty soon, he was a sobbing mess like the others.

"Thank you!'

They were shocked to see the second years, the first years, the managers, Coach Ukai, and Mr. Takeda bowing to them.

Nishinoya was the first to rise, "Thank you for your guidance, your words and wisdom you have given us."

Then Tanaka rose. "Thank you for your strength to play and the passion you put into the court."

"Thank you for the firm kindness and the lessons to get us where we are today," Yamaguchi said softly.

"Thank you for teaching me that volleyball is not just an after school activity."

"Thank you for helping me push pass my laziness."

"Thank you for teaching me how to be a team player."

"Thank you for helping me have control over my jump."


The third years stopped crying and was stunned at the team. The team they made and the game they fell in love with. They sat up straighter, taking control of their emotions. With a nod from Coach Ukai, Daichi stood, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

"My time here is done," he announced. "Sadly, I will move on to other things but before I do, there's something I must do. Choose the next captain."

There was a hush as they prepared for what's to come.

"I love volleyball. I love this school and this team which is why I had to make this decision carefully. Who will be the next captain of the Karasuno volleyball team? Well, this person has shown the most growth, discipline and has powerful words to say and knows how to take control. Which I am pleased to say, Captain Ennoshita Chikara, may your team welcome you."

The rest of the night as filled with cheers and laughs and tears. It was painful to say goodbye but they did. It felt good to say goodbye to this part of them as they were moving forward to more things in life. Absolutely soul crushing, but in a good way.


With tears in his eyes, Koushi watched as Daichi closed the gymnasium's doors and hand the key to Coach Ukai.

"I had to do that, one last time," Daichi muttered.

Coach Ukai sighed and patted Daichi on the shoulder. "I'm proud of ya, kid. See you at graduation."

Daichi bowed in respect, took Koushi's hand and they both left. He was going to drop Koushi off at home and go home himself, where his family would comfort him.

"I didn't know it would hurt this much," Koushi mumbled after a moment of silence.

"Yeah," Daichi exhaled, giving Koushi's hand a reassuring squeeze.

Koushi let out a choked gasp. "I have so many regrets."

They arrived at the front of Koushi's house. "Don't," Daichi said sternly, turning to his boyfriend. "You did everything perfectly, Suga. You're perfect. And amazing. And an amazing volleyball player. You were the best vice captain, Suga. Truly, and we'll always have the memories. And we can always play again in my backyard."

Koushi sniffled and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Dai? Please kiss me."

So he did. He cupped both of Koushi's cheeks, and it was soft and comforting and loving. All of their kisses are loving. When they released, he placed another to Koushi's forehead. "Goodnight. Suga," he said, caressing Koushi's cheek with one hand.



Koushi held Daichi hand which was still pressed to the side of his face. "Call me 'Koushi'," he said with big wet eyes.

"Okay, Daichi said before pecking Koushi's lips with his own. "Goodnight, Koushi."

"Goodnight, Daichi."


They both turned to see Hana and Kuma poking their head through the living room window, holding a mug of tea. "Daichi, are you coming in?" Hana asked while Kuma stared from inside. 

"Ma! He needs to go home," Koushi shouted, flustered.

"Nonsense," Hana pouted. "Daichi, we have an extra plate of chicken and rice. Would you like to come in, sweetie?"

"More than anything," he announced, earning a glare from Koushi. "What?" He asked as they both walked up the stairs.

"I'm beginning to think you and Asahi have a crush on my mom."

"More or less."


So Daichi joined them for dinner, which was extremely chaotic. They sat at the low table together. Daichi was across from Kuma who was staring at him the whole time and was besides Koushi who was holding his hand underneath the table.

"So," Hana drawled out after an awkward silence, "You boys left volleyball today?"

When she asked, Daichi had just taken a huge bite of his meal. He began to choke while trying to answer the question, panicking. Koushi patted his back softly while answering his mom.

"Yeah... And guess who became Captain?" Koushi said excitedly.

"Who, Tanaka?" Hana asked which made Koushi and Daichi furrow their eyebrows.

Composing himself, Daichi coughed for the final time. "With all due respect, Ms. Sugawara, if Tanaka was captain, they wouldn't have lasted a week."

"'With all due respect'," Kuma mocked while playing with his vegetables, which earned him a cuff of the head by Koushi. "Ow, jerk!"

Then they began rolling on the floor, throwing punches and kicks at each other and frankly, just becoming a ball of dust. Hana looked at them exasperatedly and massaged her temple. "Three more months till college. Three more months till college," she muttered to herself and soon, Daichi's presence was forgotten by the two boys.

Hana turned to Daichi with a smile, ignoring her teenage boys. "So who became captain, Daichi? And please, you and Kou are dating now; call me Auntie."

"Ma!" Koushi whined as Kuma wrestled him to the ground.

"Boys, that is enough! Can you not fight while I'm trying to get to know Koushi's boyfriend?" She shouted and both boy immediately stopped and sat back at the table, eating as if nothing happened.

"Uhh..." Daichi was confused and frankly, a little embarrassed. "Ennoshita Chikara. He's captain now."

"Oh, Chikara!" Hana exclaimed. "I've meant him before, he's so kind!"

"Yeah, he's also hard-working and determined. That part of the reason why I chose him."

"And the fact the second and the first years actually listens to him," Koushi said playfully. Daichi nodded in agreement.

With a cheesy smile, she watched the way Koushi and Daichi both looked at each other. With such admiration and love, it was hard to miss. She sighed loudly and turned to her other son. "Kuma, this is the type of relationship you need. They're so pure and caring. It's beautiful."

Kuma snorted, "Pure?"

"Shut up," Koushi said through his teeth and even Daichi had to look away to laugh.

"So, Daichi, does your parents know yet?" Hana questioned.

"Ma," Koushi deadpanned and Hana got defensive.

"What? It's just a question!"

"No, it's fine," Daichi said, placing a hand on the back of Koushi's. Then he turned to Hana. "No, not yet. I plan to tell them soon, though. Maybe in a couple of days?"

"Oh, good for you!" Hana smiled. "But if anything goes wrong, you know you can-"

"Ma!" Koushi exclaimed. "Stop it!"

"What, Koushi? I'm just saying-"

"You don't need to-"

"Honestly, you're being very inappropriate-"

"Says you!"

Then Daichi stood up quickly, disturbing the argument. The Sugawaras looked up at him, waiting for him to speak. "Uh, my mom wants me home before eight. I have to go now."

Hana glanced at the clock. 7:38. "Oh, okay. Goodbye, Daichi, come back soon!"

"I'll see you out," Koushi said quickly and pushed Daichi out of living room.

"Don't take too long!" Kuma sang out and earned a glared from his younger brother.

He helped Daichi put on his coat and opened the door for him, looking away nervously. "I'm sorry Ma accused your family of being homophobic. I swear she didn't mean it like that. She's just been reading too many articles about gay teens and-"

"It's fine," Daichi decided, "I'm happy to know I have your family on my side. They're perfect, like you." He whispered, taking Koushi's hand in his.

"Bye, Daichi," Koushi said, as red as a tomato. "I'm sorry, they're so weird."

Daichi laughed softly, "They're just like you. Bye Koushi."

So today was hard. But they got through it. Together

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