Chapter 2

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Sugawara exhaled shakily as he opened the door to his home, seeing Asahi and Daichi on the porch, waiting to be let in. "Hey!" He laughed awkwardly, opening the door wider to let them in.

He stepped out of their way, allowing the two taller boys to enter and gestured to his kitchen. "Would you like any snacks? I can grab us some soda."

Asahi and Daichi exchanged a glance and the shorter one reached over to touch Sugawara's shoulder. "Suga, are you alright?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Sugawara's cheeks flushed a hot red as he slapped Daichi's hand away and laughed loudly, his voice full of nerves. "What? I'm fine!" He lied, turning away to opening the refrigerator. He bent down to grab three sodas. "Just go upstairs without me; I'll meet you there."

He heard the two departing upstairs and let out a sigh, hiding his head in the refrigerator and gathering his thoughts. 'No more liking Daichi.' He reminded himself. 'No more being selfish, we will help Daichi.'

He grabbed the drinks and went upstairs to see Daichi and Asahi already in his bedroom, indulged in their own conversation. He set the drinks down on his small table and sat down next to Asahi who was busy getting his hair braided by Daichi.

"How was your date, Daichi?" Suga asked nervously.

Daichi looked back at him and sort of blushed. "Oh it was fine."

Asahi turned for a second. "You're being bashful, tell us everything!"

A deep blush appeared on his face and he smiled. "Yeah, it was amazing."

Asahi cheered for getting that information out of Daichi and Sugawara just smiled, trying to be happy for his friend. "What happened?"

Daichi told them all the details of the date. What he wore, what Michimiya wore. What they ate and what they talked about. It was adorable to see Daichi getting excited by something but if the circumstances were different it would be much more enjoyable.

"So, do you like her?" Sugawara asked, brushing through his hair with his hands. "Did you get your answer?"

Sugawara melted at the hooded look in Daichi's eyes as he looked down on him. His chocolate eyes were dull as they focused on Sugawara, and he loved it. He loved it when Daichi had his attention on him.

"Yeah, I like her." Daichi nodded.

Oh yeah, her.

Sugawara sat up and cleared his throat, eager to get out his ideas and start the healing process. "I thought of new strategies you could do to make her fall even harder for you." Sugawara rushed out. "Scenarios we could set up, conversations we can prepare you for."


"And we can help you set up gifts like notes in her locker or flowers-"

"Suga." Asahi stopped him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "They're already dating."


"What?" Suga scoffed. "I mean, when did this happen?"

"Umm..." Daichi rubbed the back of his neck, a hobby of his when he's nervous. "Like, a few days ago."


"Why didn't you tell me?" Suga confronted. "I mean, I saw you yesterday."

"I wanted to tell you properly and had a whole announcement, but then you went on this whole rampage, and you weren't listening. You do that a lot." Daichi explained.

"Well, sorry!" Suga stood up. "But the next time you start dating a girl, let your best friend know because, y'know, that's what friends do." He marched out the room, "I'm going to get snacks."

Sugawara began to angrily slam pans and dishes as he prepared to make a small snack for his friend. He tried so hard. He was looking up method to help Daichi, making it nice and slow, but he had just got with her a day after their date, leaving him no time to recover from his crush. She'd be around more often, and he'd have to deal with watching them hug and kiss, wishing it was him. God, he's still so selfish.

"So, am I right?"

He jumped, hitting his head on the top of the refrigerator, rubbing it and standing up straight only to find Asahi leaning over the kitchen island, eating the snacks he prepared.

"What are you talking about?" Sugawara asked, putting out some grapes.

"You like Daichi."

Sugawara choked on air. "No, I don't." He corrected but Asahi just nodded.

"Yes, you do. I've known since last year actually. And after seeing your reaction to Daichi's girlfriend only confirms my suspicions. Unless I'm totally wrong, I don't want to assume nothing." He coughed in embarrassment.

"Okay, but don't tell anyone." Sugawara scolded, putting a finger to his lips. "It'll help me get over this pathetic crush."

"But is it a pathetic crush?" He asked, tossing a grape into the air and catching it with his mouth. "I mean, it's been over a year, Suga. Pathetic crushes don't last that long. And I think it's not pathetic if you really like him. Like really, really like him, like him."

"I love him." Suga said, tears welling in his eyes and he covered his mouth to hold back a choking sob. "I really, really love him, love him. God, that feels so good to say."

Asahi watched uncomfortably as Sugawara sobbed in his kitchen, wiping his eyes. "I'm sorry." He said simply, patting Sugawara on the back.

Sugawara jabbed him in the side, making Asahi double over onto the floor and shouted. "You idiot! I don't need your pity, right now."

Then he laughed and smiled. "I just wished I told him sooner, so I don't feel like death right now." He admitted. "I don't want to lose him, but it feels like I will either way."

Asahi got up and said, "He doesn't want to lose you. He talks about you all the time Suga and although he might not like you, he still loves you."

"Don't say that."


" 'Might'." He scoffed. "That's giving me too much hope there might be a chance when there's not. I'm being so delusional."

Asahi paused. Sugawara had turned his back on him, rubbing his eyes. "I think you should tell him."

"What!" Sugawara whirled around. "And ruin what we have now? Yeah, no, thanks."

"I mean, for you." Asahi came closer to Sugawara and touched his shoulder for the second time that evening. "I think it'll help you ton confess your feeling not to me but to him. To feel the relaxation and the stress being lifted off of you. To help you get over him faster because this year-long obsession isn't going to work."

Sugawara sniffled. "Well, I tried, like, helping him get together with Michimiya, so I can get over him during that time, but it just happened so fast-"

Asahi pulled Sugawara in for a hug, and it was nice. Asahi was larger than him, and longer, so his body was able to cover more area in his hugs. And he was warm and big, like a teddy bear with heating pads. He sniffled again.

"You can't plan healing from a broken heart." Asahi mumbled. "I know that from first hand."

Sugawara gasped. "No way! Who?" He said, punching Asahi in the gut, making him fold. "You never told me! Why do you guys like hiding your loved ones for me."

"Because you're violent when you're emotional." Asahi gasped.

"Oh, shut up." Sugawara said, karate-chopping his back and making Asahi fall onto the floor, stomach first as his back arched fromthe impact. "I'm not violent."

Sugawara felt lighter. Crying, confession his feelings to his friend about their other friend and getting to freely abuse Asahi was therapeutic enough. What he didn't know was that a certain person sat on the stairs with wide eyes and his hand over his mouth in shock.


Sugawara loved who?!

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