Chapter 7

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"What's going on in here?" said a bubbly voice from a distance.

At the entrance stood Michimiya, who waved at them both. Luckily, they laid completely across from her, on opposite corners of the gym, so she couldn't see their intimate position too well. Daichi stood up quickly and placed his hands on his waist.

"And that's how you do a proper sit up, Suga!" He proclaimed loudly, making sure his girlfriend could hear his words.

Sugawara was immediately met with the sting of rejection and a lump formed in his throat. He wanted to cry and scream but Daichi had given him an adorable pleading look. And he was known for falling for Daichi's eyes.

He sat up once, his knees reaching his chest. "Oh, this is so much better," he played along. "Thanks, Daichi Oh, Michimiya's here," he said as if he had just noticed her presences.

Daichi turned and waved to her enthusiastically and shouted, "I'll be right there!" When he turned around, Sugawara had already stood up and made his way to his gym bags. Like a dog, Daichi followed and whispered, "I'm sorry, Suga. I mean, I didn-"

"I bet," he interrupted coldly. Then he shook his head and laughed sadly. "Whatever, Daichi. Enjoy your date."

He stormed off, ready to leave the gym and trying to ignore the watering in his eyes when he was stopped by Michimiya. She grabbed his by the shoulders, forcing him to look at her. "Hey, Sugawara-kun. Are you okay? I haven't seen much of you lately."

Because you've been too busy seeing much of Daichi.

Oh shut up, Koushi. She doesn't deserve your attitude.

"I'm fine," he smiled. "We should get together sometime."

But that'll never happen.

He left right before Daichi came too close, disappearing into the night. He could hear their voices faintly behind him as he left the tears pour down from his face. Stupid, stupid Koushi.


"I thought I felt something between us," Sugawara said as his smile disappeared as he finished telling Asahi the whole story. "I thought for a moment there, he might've really liked me back. Like really liked me back. But that was a pipe dream, huh?"

"Suga," Asahi drawled out from the other line, "If you're part of the story is true than Daichi was an ass from doing that."

"What do you mean if my side of the story is true?" Sugawara asked accusingly. His eyes squinted with fake anger, waiting for Asahi's response.

"I'm just saying, when people are really in love then they tend to believe what their mind wants them too. Like misreading scenarios or coming up with their own version of the conversation-"

"Just stop talking, please," Sugawara sighed, "It is, and he was. But I'd still kiss him. With Michimiya walking in and all."

"That's a dick move from the both of you."

"Shut up, you know what I'm tryna say," Sugawara smiled.


Meanwhile, Daichi was at the park, trying to make that kiss happen.

(480 words) 

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